In The News...

The concept of nations for Chad and Sudan is one of the reasons those countries are in such a bind. The whole nation state concept of flags and anthems was basically forced down their throat at the point of a gun. Look at their borders they are not representative of anything meaningful. Now we have Sudan and South Sudan and they are still going at it. drawn by people in different continents who had never been there. Not to mention the exploitation of human resources and raw materials for centuries. Corruption is unavoidable when the whole foundation and concept is built on corruption
I can't believe that when Putin informed of his plans, they just said, "OK sure, come on over". Probably some deal to get more tall Russian girls working in the expensive clubs where the politicians go. He can have a sushi lunch with Caroline Kennedy, the US ambassador. I don't think she ever leaves her official residence, though.
The feds are burned up because they are losing control of illegalizing weed. So now they've got to lash out at users just to make life more difficult.