A friend of mine will be installing a zip line, at a boys camp, this summer. I'm not a working climber and neither is he, we just climb recreationally. I offered to assist but this will be a learning experience for us both.
Are there any good books on the subject or other good/reliable resources, that you can recommend?
The equipment end doesn't both me, Sherrill and other sources seem to have a good selection of parts for ziplines. Calculating loads and stress is not to concerning either, he is qualified to teach physics and both of us are known to overbuild everything for added safety.
Tips/tricks/ideas welcome. T
Are there any good books on the subject or other good/reliable resources, that you can recommend?
The equipment end doesn't both me, Sherrill and other sources seem to have a good selection of parts for ziplines. Calculating loads and stress is not to concerning either, he is qualified to teach physics and both of us are known to overbuild everything for added safety.
Tips/tricks/ideas welcome. T