X Rigging Rings, thoughts

  • Thread starter Thread starter RegC
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Sean, here, David. No. I haven't. I think I just found it on Google Images. What does THT abbreviate?

Oh, yeah, the Belay Spool is limited to 1/2" rope.
Your right, I have no problem with your stuff. Or with you really. I think you made up this hatred I have for you and I'm sorry for that.

Brendonv, really. I hope that is true. I started a thing a few year ago, when someone tended to attack or be negative right away and their name seemed familiar, I wrote the name down and over the last few years it was always that list of names. the same people every time. I don't use facebook, but friends that use facebook tell me the same names tend to go out of their way to bash the XRRs.
I appreciate this post Brendonv.
Update, I compiled my video from the end of the work day today and reviewed it. It's fine. I'm rendering it now. I hate hearing myself talk, but it addresses a fair amount of things for this treehouse group and might even be interesting to some.

I dont have facebook, chris said facebook is for girls.

See ya later im going on vacation!
taking for-ever for youtube to upload. at 41%. But here is the link when it's done. I expect in another hour if it doesn't have a problem. Going to work, will try to stop back and check on it.

---failed upload-----

Thanks Brendonv. Yeah, not YOU on facebook, sorry for the confusion.

First upload to youtube failed, locked up at 41%.

had to start over now, it's at 55% and still moving.... so here is the new link.
It says 71 minutes left to upload. So I'm going back to work.

this should be link when it's done:

Boring video to those that are not curious as to the beginnings of the XRRs and the drama.
I'm not taking sides here. Just letting you know that the video keeps coming up as private when I try to view it.

Great review Reg. Thank you for taking the time to let us know your view of the XXR.
Stig, if you think I lied, then I agree with you. One thing I really can't stand is a liar and I think maybe 90% of people do it in one way or the other.
It's odd, one of the things I feel is me, is being honest. I don't think I lied, but I surely squirmed, as I talk about in the video from today.

You are still squirming some, David, trying to turn this into a "lot of haters in the Treehouse" thing and that ridiculous statement about having scared us.

I actually feel bad for you, that you screwed it up for yourself, because your idea of the application of the rings to our work is brilliant.

What Jerry B. says carries a lot of weight with me, so when he calls you a good guy, I'll believe it and let this lie henceforth.
Yeah, that was tongue and cheek. I use our single for small negative rigging and I mean small. But there is no doubt that it would handle much more.
I loves me some negative rigging. Always have. I like to give my ropes some exercise and some wood they'll never forget.
I'm not taking sides here. Just letting you know that the video keeps coming up as private when I try to view it.

Great review Reg. Thank you for taking the time to let us know your view of the XXR.

Long day, finished the day in the dark. Got home now. checked the computer, it said 99% done. then 100 ! Try the link now, it somehow had gone to private mode, but now is unlisted,
so that link should work.


edited this post 2-13-15: The video was up yesterday evening, some might have seen it. Some that saw it said it was really great to hear the inside news and very honest and great that I was putting it all out there. BUT one said that me being tired at the end of the day doing the video made it seem like I didn't care and that the video should not be shown for various reasons.
This freaked me out. I don't want to fan any flames if there are flames or cause any more drama. I just did a non-rehearsed video at the end of a long work day.

Anyway, I still think I'd like to show it and the only reason I got involved with this thread was because Reg started this thread and I wanted to explain what I thought the animosity from some was from.

it's been a good experience, I think it's good to hear from the various people and get it out there.

I'm going to have a few people review the video first and I'll put it back up if the consensus is it's okay. Last thing I want is to cause trouble. I didn't think I was causing trouble, but if it seems that way; maybe I can't communicate well with others.
Those are Davids words, not treestuffs. Our testing shows that all class 1 ropes break at the bight of the bowline, not at the rings.
hi Nick, was there a marl or half hitch tied before the running bowline? If you found different results, I would have liked to have heard about it and find out what must have been different. Kinda odd saying it here where some think I'm a liar.

Also, what ring and what size rope? Or this can be discussed through email if you would rather. I really would like to hear what single ring and rope did not break at the ring and was it shock loading in real world or a break machine? I'm REALLY not being ignorant here. It's cool you did testing and I just want to hear the details.

With us, a large single 28x20 ring at the terminal rigging point would be the location of the 3/4" stable braid bull line to break when pushed for something to fail.

Which makes sense, when you look at ring width, the stress with the rope going 180 degrees and a hard ring, verses 20mm rope against rope on the log end.
Great review Reg. My rings get more frequent use than my blocks by far. I hesitate to even say that because it sounds like they are being pitted against each other but they are both useful. A no-nonsense video from a no nonsense guy using a no-nonsense product.
As to the personality clashes and sour memories. I like what Jerry said. Man, Jerry!You could literally be the Dolly Lama or something.
I like David. I would venture to bet that most hard-working tree men from our industry are worth getting to know and David has proved to be no exception to that.
I wrote this poem, tell me what you think...

X rings Blah blah blah
Blocks Blah blah blah
Drama Blah blah blah
X rings are worth getting to know
Blocks are worth getting to know
David is worth getting to know
Know is worth getting to know

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Good poem, August.

Here is what I hear, a hard working independent business man trying to make it work for his family.

Tucker you using 3 stand?...U must like the smell of burning ropes ;)

I do have and periodically use three strand in a tree but not for butt hitching logs down. Stable braid, stainless block on a 3/4" sling and a big old porty on a 7/8" sling. I prefer not to burn ropes but I'm known to do so. I look at the tree, I look at the money bid into it, and I look at the safest and most efficient way to knock it out. Will I smoke a rope to cut my job time in half on a high dollar removal? Absolutely. That thing will be stiffer then rebar when I'm finished with it. That's providing I don't think I'm going to create a failure.

I look at a tree and make my choices based on the net gain at the end. I've got some ropes that are a few years old and have lived a gentle easy life. I've also taken some young ropes up a tree hooked on the back of my saddle thinking "imma beat your ass good!"
Same as me tucker, whole career. Just recently started using more gadgetry. I was faster before ; )

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I'll say I don't disagree with you Tucker. I use blocks most of the time. I'll glaze a rope up in certain situations or if I feel it is time for a new one. I also use a lot of half inch three strand since my boss scored three spools of it at an auction. I've spliced quite a few chokers up for vertical zip lining of logs from it also. To each their own