WTB rope wrench


Oct 26, 2013
Brantford, Ontario
Like to give it a try, probably end up passing it on to another local climber who is not on here....yet.

I can buy new one for about $128 canadian, no teather.
Raj, once you try the wrench you are not going to be passing it along to someone else. I got one thinking I'd just try it out and low and behold, it's my #2 in my arsenal. I won't be getting rid of it anytime soon. Maybe when I stop climbing, they can pry it from my rigormorticed hand! I have grown to love it! LMAO, I really want to try the HH2, when they're out and about! But I do hear ya about the bulldog it's a work of art. That's my #1.

Dave6390 in WI
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I dunno, I've only had rec climbs with the RW, I think I'm a HH guy through and through. Tending is smoother with the RW but I really like the simplicity, compactness and ruggedness of the HH.