buckshot 3 balls in 2.5" and 5 balls in 3"
My bro couldnt stand it and went and bought the used 3" judge. He was as curious as me and was only 30min drive from from seller.
My 70+ year dad and my bro shot it with 2.5" 3 ball #000 buckshot, no 3" on hand to test. Dad stated at 5 yards all 3 #000 balls from 1 round stayed inside 3 inch circle.
I cant remember if he said 15 yards on next shot but all 3 balls stayed inside 10" from 1 round. IMO for home defense most shots are going to be 5 yards = 15 feet
or less inside your home, think about your room sizes.
Dad also said the 13 year old kid shot it with no problems. He also stated it felt somewhere between a 38 special and 357 mag with recoil felt from the .410 2.5" 000 buckshot.
So someday when it is nice out and I make the journey south. I can at least try this 3" mag judge out without guessing and any cost to me.
Food for thought.
55% of gunfights take place 0-5 feet.
20% of gunfights take place in 5-10 feet.
20% of gunfights take place in 10-21 feet.
95% of gunfights take place in 0-21 feet. Source FBI
The average man can cover 21 feet of ground in 1.5 sec
The average man cannot draw a gun from concealment in under 2 sec
cell phone pic