Workers comp for class code 0106

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Aug 26, 2010
Fort White Florida
So this has been a major hurdle as a small business. As a owner I am exempt and have been getting by with a release that a lawyer did releasing the HO.
I keep my worker with his own GL policy and health insurance and have done jobs by myself to satisfy the odd person who may require it. I know this is un professional and I'm in the hopes no bashing comes from this as safety is always my primary concern.
I have spoken with at least 50 workers comp agents and or underwriters and no one will touch my class code 0106 or if they say they will I will pay the premiums for a crew of five. What can I do to overcome this? I have been a crew leader who got two companies accredited by TCIA.
Some say they may be able to make it work but in the end they end up being fraudulent because the code they are classifying is for landscaping and I will not knowingly do this. As I know I will be on the end of a legal battle should something happen.
Was it this hard for you all and how did you cope?
Truly seeking advice in what my next idea or Avenue should be.
Thanks all

All things heavenly rarify to air. Trèès pŕoduce that heavenly air. Breathe air and take care.
Have you considered or tried a leasing company? I classify all of my employees as 0106, even the lawn maintenance guys, just in case. Just in case they need a chain saw on a property, just in case they help out on the tree crew, well, just in case.

It can't hurt to call:

I'll pm you my gal's number.

I just talked to her and she does have an option for you, give her a call. It might work.

or, come down here and I will put you on our payroll :lol:
Good networking, liability ins. carrier for our family business (x-ray) quit covering agent could only find much higher options. Another x-ray guy that helps me told me about his ins. agent in another state. I called have us covered at only slightly higher than we were paying. They have a good history and have been great to work with...maybe you are helping Joel down the right path.
Try amerisafe, Berkshire Hathaway or you will have to go with your states high risk pool.
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FL Nick and yes I spoke with stratham;) same with amerisafe and the state pool will not cover our code. Someone got back with me yesterday and said 10g but I must do it via employee leasing. Paying half of a individuals payroll in a year just seems so wrong and to do so would mean making another 300 a week just to cover it. My bids have been middle of the road on those where folks will share what others have bid, worry that it will price me out of what my area will bear and accept. To bring up Sean's thread here about working alone the pay here is low but I cannot bring myself to pay that low a wage .10 bucks a hr is less than I made 20+ years ago as a gas station attendant.
I feel like rather than a employee leasing program I should
Sign everyone up to be a big purchasing pool where the numbers would work out for everyone at a better rate and understanding of this industry.
Anyone else see this as being feasible?
That's what we pay. Approx half.

The ISA would make a lot of people happy if they created a nationwide program that actually understood tree services and charged you for the actual risk you present.

You have to start some somewhere.......three years in the assigned risk pool , then folks might talk to you.
I started at 53 now 29
If you're middle of the road now, you know the high end guys are the ones running legally. Join them and bid what it takes. Sell the fact that you are bringing guys to the job site that are actually covered in case something happens rather than then trying to sure homeowners policy. Sell potential employees that they are covered and hire the good guys. I'm meeting with an insurance guy tomorrow, I can chat with him and see if he has any options for you if you like
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Spoke with Linda today was nice to clear all the miss information and will be working with her to make it happen. Many thanks I owe you some climbing time, I'll let you know when I'm taking a vacation down there;)
Treehouse Rocks!!

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk cool is that?

Good work, Gigi...good follow-up, Joel. Neat to see things like that come together.

I just lost a job because I didn't have WC.
So, I put a call in and am getting a quote from StateFund on a wopping $5700/year guy.

$10/hour.....6 days/month.....8 hours/day.......12 months....

I gotta set myself up pretty for when I leave the Presidio.
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  • #19
Mmmm fishing..... If some slack time comes up or a three day window most definitely!
It will be a bit of a change for sure getting and making sure bids reflect this little change in operating costs. It is a necessary stage in growth.