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I Love This!!!


It works HERE!
There’s some nice stuff in this thread. I’m no great wood worker yet, I just find nice stuff and make it shine. This is an ash slab I’m working on for my daughters room. 2BF942C1-0615-43FD-A8AD-4C2F0123C70E.jpg
Pretty spacy.
Can you take a picture from another angle, I can't wrap my mind around what you have done.
Spacy, because I couldn't figure out what was going on.
Effed with my mind.

Now I think I've got it, but I'd still like some more pix.
Just one template Pete.

Stig. What I did was glue up a 3/8” thick board of Red Oak over a 3/8” thick board of Honduran Mahogany with the grain of each running perpendicular to each other. That made the blank the project was cut from. The staves are cut from black walnut. I wanted something different. The contrasting colors of the wood turned out ok, I think.
<a href="https://ibb.co/dr6Lo0"><img src="https://preview.ibb.co/iFBmT0/7544-AA5-C-A5-EF-4-ED2-B1-B4-DFD02-D6970-BD.jpg" alt="7544-AA5-C-A5-EF-4-ED2-B1-B4-DFD02-D6970-BD" border="0"></a>
<a href="https://ibb.co/h6VPFf"><img src="https://preview.ibb.co/ghdpgL/644206-D6-7-E8-A-402-D-A65-A-4828-E2-B63-E91.jpg" alt="644206-D6-7-E8-A-402-D-A65-A-4828-E2-B63-E91" border="0"></a>

One of two I slapped together. The light isn’t the best for picture taking in the root cellar. Wedding present for two gals.
Only one angle to deal with. The layout and glue is a pita tho. This is a picture of the other one I haven’t chewed the ugly stuff off yet, all 456 pieces.

<a href="https://ibb.co/kqb6vf"><img src="https://preview.ibb.co/czvMT0/470-FC547-6-DFB-455-F-B08-A-79-C3-E5-A65761.jpg" alt="470-FC547-6-DFB-455-F-B08-A-79-C3-E5-A65761" border="0"></a><br />

ETA: I’d love to do some quilts but don’t have the room or equipment Jim. Keep that to yourself, don’t let the manly men know.