I took some time to learn how to splice this Christmas. I think I'm addicted... at least for now. Here are my first three splices. I want to keep going, but I'm out of spare double braid for the time being. If I make any money, I'll get some more rope.... and some whipping twine.
The Small one on top I screwed up, which is why you can still see the core, and on the other end of the same line is the larger white eye, which was my first EVER.
The big yellow 3/4 was the end of a rigging line that got cut off a while ago by a unobservant groundie (Jack). Now its a 12ft sling waiting for some whipping.
The white piece is gonna get tested after new years to see how my first two hold up. I wanna see if my spices can be trusted.

The Small one on top I screwed up, which is why you can still see the core, and on the other end of the same line is the larger white eye, which was my first EVER.
The big yellow 3/4 was the end of a rigging line that got cut off a while ago by a unobservant groundie (Jack). Now its a 12ft sling waiting for some whipping.
The white piece is gonna get tested after new years to see how my first two hold up. I wanna see if my spices can be trusted.