
Tree-guy (and gal) grammar police!!! WOW!!

As Butch wld say: "Rock on with your bad selves." ...still can't make the rock sign.:(
I don't think I've ever heard anyone say whilst, but I don't mix much.

Anyway most tree guys around here speak Arabic or English with a New Zealind accint so I would't know.
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I don't think I've ever heard anyone say whilst,

I found this post on here "does anybody use a pantin whilst wearing hooks???"
Started by PCTREE, 2 Weeks Ago
so out with it PCTREE, why whilst not while?
Whoa!!! :rockon:

Whoa!!!! Sorry boys: I've got a new toy!! :rockon: Gonna wreck it for everyone else for a little while. :rockon:

Rock-sign impotence sucks!!

From now on I'm gonna make rock signs whilst I do anything else. :rockon:

Yeahhh.... :rockon:

Inbread minds are easily amused! :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:
I too how some ever with plugged nose I smelleth not .

Now THIS one made me laugh! :lol::lol:
Most excellent Al, whilst perusing this thread you were able to construct an amusing riposte to a previous humourous snippet.