

Feb 26, 2012
Eastern PA
So whats up with tree guys using the word whilst. I hardly ever heard anyone use this word before. Then I get into the tree biz and everyone is using it. and incorrectly most of the time. I don't really care I just thought it was funny. lord knows my grammer and spelling are crap. especialy while typing on the computer for I look at the keyboard whilst typing instead of the screen, damn it, now I'm saying it. and probably incorrectly!
You have to remember there are people posting on this site from all over the world .A lot of the word usage could be a regional thing .
Whenever groundies yell and tell me they are under me I tell them "I believe you mean beneath.". It's a dumb joke but I like it. I have not noticed them using whilst.
So whats up with tree guys using the word whilst. I hardly ever heard anyone use this word before. Then I get into the tree biz and everyone is using it. and incorrectly most of the time. I don't really care I just thought it was funny. lord knows my grammer and spelling are crap. especialy while typing on the computer for I look at the keyboard whilst typing instead of the screen, damn it, now I'm saying it. and probably incorrectly!

I will ponder your dilemma whilst further reading the forums posts.
I was asking Scott/ Treesmith about it. I know Paul/ PCTree uses it as part of his normal language, whilst Scott was using it to be abnormal, or sumthin'.

Beneath versus under???

Watch out; next will be a barrage of semicolons.
Semicolons? Just use commas, it's better...ask Jeff, he knows.

Re: whilst..haha...you ask a great question. I say use whatever obscure words you can whenever you can. It keeps the word alive in our language and can cause great confusion and obfuscation which can lead to great fun around here.
commas seperate two clauses, so inserting them in place of a semicolon, which seperates two complete and related sentences, will cause a run-on sentence.
We just have the GREATESTS threads here at the House.

As a long time student, however unsuccesfully, of the English language, I'm getting a kick out of this:)
Semicolons? Just use commas, it's better...ask Jeff, he knows.

Oh, I don't mean commas in place of semicolons..I mean JUST USE COMMAS,,,,,,Jeff Levstrom (?) knows what I mean. He was called to task for using too many commas, but rather than get ill about it, he just, like, you know, made it all, like, a joke; it's been, well, funny to me ever since.

And, I agree, Stig...some of these choreomaniacal threads are great fun (OK, I took a wee bit of liberty with that word).
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Whilst, erstwhile, here to for , by the by ,in the mean time .It all means the same thing .

I think it's "by and by" not "by the by", although a more modern version would probably be "buy and buy"
By the by = by the way
By and by = after a while

I intensely dislike what seems to be the latest trend to talk about things that happened in the past by using the present tense..."Did you hear what Joe did?" "He goes up to this guy and says to him you are FOS, and the guy hits him in the chops"
AAARRRGGGHHH, it happened in the PAST, "...he WENT up to this guy and SAID to him you are FOS and the guy HIT him in the chops."
Same thing here, Fiona.

Past tense doesn't seem to exist any more.

I think television news people killed it, they always speak in present tense, because they think it makes the news more exciting.