16" usually but for deadwooding big oaks I like a 12". It's just a lot easier flipping the saw over and around branches and stuff with the short bar.
I've got a 12" on mine at the moment with a skinny chain but that's just because it's going to be in a speed contest in about a week and a half .Afterwards I have a 16" to hang on it . Most trimmers around here run a 14" .
When I get a chance I'll hang my 12" on a stock 200T to see if there is a diff in power . Due to the fact my little saw has been reworked it wouldn't prove much to use it for a comparrison .
the primary advantage IMO is the extra inches of reach.
Sounds like a plan.I'll bring the 16" bar also and non safety chain to see if there is any diff with it and a safety chain .You cant slap it on the stocker at the gtg to test for him Al.
What does all that have to do with the price of rice in China?