Weather changes.


Captain Zero!
Dec 8, 2013
North Central Montana, bloody cold!
It seems like every time I think I am getting ahead this year, Mother Nature gives me another colossal ass kicking. It has been wet all year, but not gentle wet. Like five inches in a half hour. Hail early and late. Our basement produces ten gallons of water a minute. When I was a kid we never had water in the basement.

What have you TreeHousers noticed? Business as usual or are the weather patterns different in your area? Maybe I am just whining.:whine:
In Ontario I've been sayin' it seems like the seasons have been shifting.... the pool is still open and still warmish...
Been very cool most all summer in CT, great weather, no crazy heat, which is unusual for summer here.
i just heard that here on the east coast we could have a huge polar vortex dip down at the end of the month and if it mixes with the moist atlantic air could produce as much as 3 feet of snow.....

Trees will be devastated.

Very cool summer all year, was the best I have ever experienced in 23 years over here.
We had a very wet summer on the heels of a record cold winter. Big one rolled through today, inches of rain, and kicked the lake up like no one has seen in 30 years.


There is usually 100 yards of beach out there. . .
Dry climate/drought killing trees everywhere here. I will be very busy for years after this. Seriously high mortality rate on the pines. Oaks are dying as well. Fires everywhere. So long as we don't completely turn into desert, we should be gtg
....massive ice storm a few years back , Hurricane Irene killed my little town , oh yeah and Sandy....different , extreme , uncool really
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Thanks for the replies! I am kind of a weather nut, been exposed to a lot through fire training. Got to spend a whole day with a govt. meteorologist, it was great!

I asked because I have had very bad luck with weather this year. Probably stand to loose 100,000 on grain quality issues from the weather.

The weather trends are fascinating, and dad remembers they were calling for an Ice age in the 60's. I tend to think that the whole "global warming, global cooling, climate change" deal is more or less weather patterns that have been happening for thousands of years. But I am listening to the old folks and they say that things are changing. They say things like they have never seen it this wet, or dry, or windy, or cold, or hot. Some of it is probably over dramatic but there must be some truth to it.
Last year was wet for us. This year has had a fairly mild, dry summer. There are some dead trees stemming from the minor drought.

The job I'm currently on has some swampy qualities to it, even though it's been fairly dry over the past month.
This was today. In the background that vegetative mess is a "burn pile" we have to pick the wood out and restock to burn, spread the enormous amount of dirt, and root rake the sticks out. As my worker said... it's more like a dirt pile with trees in it!

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Early summer was cooler than normal here but it's sure 'nuff hot now. One sure thing about the weather, it changes. The global warming/climate change folks change their spin to fit what's happening at the moment too. Like you said Jim, we were headed for an ice age a few years ago, then it went to global warming, now after a couple of brutally cold winters, it's climate change. Take your pick.
When it comes to the environment who should we listen to? Old timers telling how it was? Politicians and big business and their experts telling us not to worry? Or independent scientists?
A disastrously wet summer. Ninety died when this hillside slid.


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Bah, Texas, we are like farmers or alcoholics, our problem is always too little or too much.
It would seem to me that " independent scientists " fall into the same category as " military intelligence " . Fairly rare.

Didn't used to be up here. Government funded but autonomous. Until our most recent government, over the last few years scientists have been silenced and had their funding cut.
I think in most of the world, the "independent scientists" receive their paychecks/grants from politically charged government agencies, liberal colleges, big business or other groups with an agenda. Produce science that meets expectations or lose your paycheck/grant. Independent?.....rare indeed.

I also remember the predictions of an ice age and am thankful that human activity intervened and prevented it.;)