As far as truck mounted winches go, what load rating is usually sufficient for tree pulling? I think I remember seeing that 9000lb was sufficient? Is it enough, is that overkill? All I have for pulling is a masdaam, a conventional come-a-long or my f250. I like the truck mounted winch option, but how big does it need to be?
For many years I had no problems with the venerable Warn 8k. It had the benefit of not being too likely to pull the truck it was mounted to instead of the object I was trying to move

. I sometimes needed to add blocks, often several in tandem, to get enough ma to giterdone, but those are skills well worth learning.
In my later work years I had the pleasure of having a Warn 12k unit on the truck. That increased capability sometimes required developing skills at anchoring the truck to keep it in place, but sure allowed for bigger pulls.
And then with that power at hand, when I got up into the 4:1 or 5:1 ma with all my blocks in play, the truck chained down from the tow hitch to some immovable object...I occasionally wondered how hard it might actually be to pull a pickup frame in two

Never did, though.
So, one answer is...strongest winch you can afford is best. That keeps the intake speed at optimum, since you can often avoid the gear down of employing blocks to increase ma. But the real answer is, you can do a effing lot of good with 8k pull power.
And don't stint on the rigging gear...lots of it, and first class stuff. Weakest link and all that, ya know. A winch can maim or kill an unaware operator quick as a blink.