I hate to start a fight, but the claims made in that article are pretty one sided. Just as you would find in an article written by a beef organization. As usual, I think the truth is somewhere in the middle.
Yes, yes, beef is going to ruin the world, gluten is poison, high fructose corn syrup is made out of the ground bones of orphan children.
If you are making a great meat alternative, then sell it on flavor and value.
If you are selling it as the moral high ground so you and George Clooney can compare how smug and smart you are, well I wish them no luck at all.
It is the same as energy. Why do we have to be for one source of energy and against all others? Is it the same for protein? The bastards are trying to get rich just like the rest of us. Fear sells.
Offer me a veggie burger and I will try it.
Tell me I am an asshole for eating meat and then offer me a veggie burger, I will kick you in the kneecap. While you are immobilized I will capture the nearest tasty animal, drag a knife across its throat, build a fire out of your long unused man card, and eat the tasty animal.
I dont like a hard sell. Oh, and I have not been drinking.
Kidding aside, I think it is a great idea.