Using Two Climb Lines


Jul 1, 2008
southern Vermont
....don't do it that often... working an old Sugar Maple with plenty high tie in...Branch tips over the house are a full sixty five foot off main stem , a limb walker's delight I say. Set a second line on good limb way out there.Have the HH on line with high tie in set the other line double.Should get me out there much easier / faster.
I like doing this on big trees that don't have much work, but the work that is there is spread out all over. Gives me some extra security when the rope angle is unfavorable, and saves me a lot of up and down, over and under for one piece of deadwood.
....don't do it that often... working an old Sugar Maple with plenty high tie in...Branch tips over the house are a full sixty five foot off main stem , a limb walker's delight I say. Set a second line on good limb way out there.Have the HH on line with high tie in set the other line double.Should get me out there much easier / faster.

Yes limb walkers delight sounds awesome
Any pics or video?
I find I been using my tail a lot(srt HH to drt with prussic)
Since I have the speed and agility of a three toed sloth I use two TIPs with great frequency.
When I first started training for climbing Sequoia/Redwoods, I started using an extra 33 foot rope as a "fipline".
I still use that one a lot in broad canopied hardwoods, since it is long enough to act as a second rope ( When set up SRT) but short enough that it doesn't get in the way of the groundies.
In my area the silver maples, willows and to a lesser extent the norway maples and walnuts are usually over grown and neglected, I keep a 70ft climb line as my second line, and use it regularly in those wide spreading canopy that need me to get out and do some rigging. Peace of mind for me. I also have a long lanyard that I spliced up, and use it in smaller canopy.
How do you store the long secondary landyard. ? I have a problem with my extra slack.
Awsome, fella's thanks for the help. So, ditty bag for secondary landyard, and excess back in the ditty back, Then use flipline as normal?
Yup. I run my secondary right out of the ditty bag. Pull out as much as you need and if it's getting in the way, stow it.
Stihlmadd. Prop's on your video's on youtube. Outstanding video's man.

What's a good length for a second climb line.?
Cheers ch74 thank you for watching.
I run a shorty for second line or long flip line it is about 40 feet with dRT then a standard 150 ft line for every day work and a 200 ft for reasonable trees.
Thanks for the info Mate, I have about a 20 ft flip line / secondary climb line. I'm thinking about shortening that one and making a second climb line and putty that in a ditty bag and storing that somewhere on my saddle.