I'll give you one example of many. An acquaintance of mine from the philly region has in his fleet a 25 ton crane, several buckets, log truck with roll off container, chip trucks, grapple chippers, pickups, tracked stump grinder with enclosed cab, standard stump grinders, and so on.Can you give us a lil color on some of these "big screaming tree companies?" Great term btw!!
OK, a silly but maybe interesting question; in what state do you think the overall greatest quality and quantity of treework occurs?
The state that is on my radar more and more as I learn more and more is Mass. Gold plated, hyper-productive outfits like Mayer, Marquis, and Northern call it home, and afaik, more crane work goes on and more tree outfits own cranes there than most anywhere else.
Mostly I think its about population and money.
It would be neat to know, pound for pound, dollar for dollar, which state was the most lucrative as far as treework goes.
It seems to me discounting disease & insect control is a bit unrealistic when deciding what tree work is. If we only consider running saws it seems logging would qualify..
this is like a political poll...I want this answer so I form the question this way...?
I'd have to say cali too but I guess I'm biased. I think the east coast is big on equipment and production at least from what I've heard from guys that call it home.
The west coast is a different ball game, of course there are outfits with a lot of equipment but in the bay area some of the best guys I know roll with a small chipper and truck and do some very high quality tree work.