Nick, if you catch this, I sure wish that TreeStuff put out the occasional catalog in print. In the past I have helped a number of guys order tree goods from companies that do, since their inability to understand English makes looking over the items and ordering via the web, a problem. With a catalog, I tell them to look over it and then confer with me, then place a large order when everyone has decided. I have much been able to help them in the past, we can much easier get together over it when something is in print. I know a catalog has it's expense, you don't think it would pay for itself plus some? After ordering numerous thousands of dollars from Sherrill over a lengthy period, they want to charge me ten bucks to have a catalog sent, with the old approach, you get that money back when you order. The idea of it! It really pisses me off, and basically have told them to shove it with that policy, being an old customer.