Traveling With Firearms

  • Thread starter Mr. Sir
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  • Replies 224
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It would be nice to just once have a discussion on guns without citizens of other countries coming in and telling us how frigged up our gun laws are and how we're killing our innocent children.
Brian, that's because we're just stupid Americans. The foreigners are better informed and smarter.
Now look what you've all done. [-X

Back to the original question, it reminded me of someone else going to Colorado and this came up there.

National parks don't allow weapons, even with a concealed carry permit. Stupid law

I just thought Brett might look into that, or did they change the law since then?
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  • #83
No worries, guns are now allowed in National Parks in states that allow concealed or open carry.
No worries, guns are now allowed in National Parks in states that allow concealed or open carry.

It always amazes me how much we're allowed to do.......

Wouldn't you love to see some of these modern liberals walk up to someone like Jessie James or somesuch back in the day, and tell him he wasn't allowed to carry his gun. We would have a wonderful shortage of anti-gun liberals, perhaps.
What Brett expresses about the way he keeps his guns secure and regarding safety measures, is almost identical to the requirements made by one country that I know of that has extremely stringent regulations applying to the relatively few people that are allowed ownership. The only thing I can see that is required beyond what Brett considers necessary, is that ammo has to be kept in a separate safe, once again where the combination or key whereabouts is known by a party of one. Interesting that a gun repressive mentality and someone that much likes guns, can come to the same conclusions about what they consider common sense about them with regard to how they are kept in the home. It seems obvious that Brett has given the subject careful consideration. That speaks well of someone wanting to be a responsible gun owner.
It always amazes me how much we're allowed to do.......

Wouldn't you love to see some of these modern liberals walk up to someone like Jessie James or somesuch back in the day, and tell him he wasn't allowed to carry his gun. We would have a wonderful shortage of anti-gun liberals, perhaps.

Fun thought, but then... idiots like Jesse James and such are why we have strict gun laws in the first place. :roll:
Every right has limitations. What those limitations are have always been subject to debate. The right to free speech, free press, freedom of assembly, you name it, they all have boundaries and they are constantly being tested in the courts. Don't think that gun rights are any different than the others.
Wouldn't you love to see some of these modern liberals walk up to someone like Jessie James or somesuch back in the day, and tell him he wasn't allowed to carry his gun. We would have a wonderful shortage of anti-gun liberals, perhaps.

What, never seen the movie 'Unforgiven'? :D
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  • #90
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
It would be nice to just once have a discussion on guns without citizens of other countries coming in and telling us how frigged up our gun laws are and how we're killing our innocent children.

Likewise it would be nice to just once having a discussion on guns without the American members going all paranoid and putting words in our mouths.

Have neither of you noticed that both Ed and I are self professed gun enthusiasts ( no because we are Euro-commies, so we must hate guns and want to take yours away).

Everytime we have a gun discussion you line up to tell us that we aren't " free", because we can't go pick up a gun at the local drugstore or buy a 6,5 mm Carcano rifle by mailorder.

And Brett, I have lived in the US for several years and would like to do so again. Does that really add weight to what I write?

Erik, that same song you keep singing about how we Europeans feel we are smarter than you is getting old.
Besides, being smarter than YOU is not only for Europeans, nearly everyone can claim that.:lol:
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  • #92
Not last time, and the time before that, he wasn't;)

It has long been a recurrent theme with Erik.

Remember the old saying: " if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns"?

It is bullshit.

If guns have always been outlawed, stupid gangbangers can't pick them up at the local bar and have to make do with whatever blunt instruments they are smart enough to use.

Outlawing guns in the US is another thing. The whole place is so fricking suffused with guns that even if they were outlawed for the next century, there would still be some around.

It is quite telling, IMO, that most of the illegal guns that are confiscated here were air dropped to the resistance during WW2 by the Americans.

Without expressing an opinion myself in either direction, house break in statistics in other countries might be way higher, but the statistics of accidental death of family members by handguns in the US are way higher than the next 25 industrialized nations.



* Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Rates of homicide, suicide, and firearm-related deaths among children in 26 industrialized countries. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 1997; 46 101 –105

Likewise it would be nice to just once having a discussion on guns without the American members going all paranoid and putting words in our mouths.

Have neither of you noticed that both Ed and I are self professed gun enthusiasts ( no because we are Euro-commies, so we must hate guns and want to take yours away).

Everytime we have a gun discussion you line up to tell us that we aren't " free", because we can't go pick up a gun at the local drugstore or buy a 6,5 mm Carcano rifle by mailorder.

And Brett, I have lived in the US for several years and would like to do so again. Does that really add weight to what I write?

Erik, that same song you keep singing about how we Europeans feel we are smarter than you is getting old.
Besides, being smarter than YOU is not only for Europeans, nearly everyone can claim that.:lol:

Stig, I find it appalling how you needle and prod an argument and then blame me for it. You are the one incapable of discussing gun rights because you have none.


Remember the old saying: " if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns"?

It is bullshit.

If guns have always been outlawed, stupid gangbangers can't pick them up at the local bar and have to make do with whatever blunt instruments they are smart enough to use.

Outlawing guns in the US is another thing. The whole place is so fricking suffused with guns that even if they were outlawed for the next century, there would still be some around.

It is quite telling, IMO, that most of the illegal guns that are confiscated here were air dropped to the resistance during WW2 by the Americans.

Ed, your trolling was successful. You hooked me.

Without expressing an opinion myself in either direction, house break in statistics in other countries might be way higher, but the statistics of accidental death of family members by handguns in the US are way higher than the next 25 industrialized nations.



I'm done with this shit. You folks carry on without me on this one. Serves me right for having the audacity to even look at a thread discussing gun ownership with Europeans on the forum.
"Needle and prod"!
Usually I'm accused of being too blunt.

As for not having any gun rigths, this is the old thing again where you and Erik refuse to discuss stuff with us silly Euros, " because we don't know anything about America" whereas it is seemingly OK for you to make a statement like that without having any knowledge of gun laws in my country.

Since I am a licensed hunter ( and probably the only vegetarian one in history, but I needed to take out a hunting license so I could get a legal gun, since my former neighbour raised killer Rottweilers and I had told him to bring a wheelbarrow next time one of them showed up at my place) I can own any kind of shotgun I want, except it has to be plugged so it only holds 3 shots in the magazine. Any rifle of any caliber as long as it is not fully automatic.

If I cared to be a member of a shooting range, I could also own ( after 3 years membership and being of sound mind and a clean criminal record) any handgun I would desire.

But I will admit that I cannot buy a 6,5 mm Carcano rifle by mailorder.

But then neither can the Americans.

Now tell me why, without using Google, and then tell me again that I don't know anything about America.
Your laws sounds similar to that of ours in Canada Stig. After a 2 day briefing and basic practical handling test, I can own shotguns, crossbows, rifles and handguns. To transport a handgun it is supposed to be to and from the range only. Rifles and shotguns are permitted to be transported so long as you have a reasonable reason like a hunting excursion. The license for possessing firearms is also needed to buy ammo. The hunting license is separate from the gun ownership papers. It involves another basic briefing followed by a short exam focusing mainly on prey ID and reading the maps for hunting areas etc. Once you have your hunter # (after passing the test), its a matter of buying the specific license to hunt the animal in question, ducks, deer, etc.
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Unfortunately the passage of time has made that ambiguous. We no longer have militias per se. We no longer gather up all the men folk and have them bring their muzzle loaders to fend off incursions.
Far as I know, the mail order sale of guns in America was outlawed after the assasination of JFK.

Who was, of course, shot with a 6,5 Carcano.

There is a difference between bying a gun from a merchant and having it shipped and buying from mail order companies, like Sears & Roebuck.( And yes, I know they don't sell guns anymore). I thought that you had to have it sent to a local dealer, when you bought mailorder guns.

Or does that depend on which state you live in?

Or am I totally lost in the woods here?