Time to RALLY!!!

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Jan 16, 2022
Santiam Pass
We're thinking about buying our neighbor's property across the road. We've already bought our other neighbor's property next door. The plan is, we turn the entire thing into a dirt bike rally track with jumps over the county road to devalue the other neighbors' property and then buy those up too for bargain basement prices. In the middle we'll have a giant pig pen and civil war reenactment area with paintballs. We'll be BBQ'ing chickens we slaughter on sight over diesel fired pits. We'll lease out part of it to the county transfer station and let the rest of the clearcut "reseed itself". Please advise.

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Old truck and tractor tires partially full of water might be perfect for research on mosquito population densities.
Be sure to build lots of starling birdhouses, and have a feeding/nesting area for pigeons and seagulls..
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not raising capital for this just yet, we just a good tax guy. If we call it a church the holding costs are zero, but if we can convince the state it's a school then we got cash moving in.
Mebbe eligible for tax breaks and gubbermint subsidies by building low income housing. Rusted out sea cans and used reefer trailers would give you a good ROI