This years coyote take,dead critters

  • Thread starter sothere
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  • Replies 143
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My tools,HMR,243


Some of last years take as modeled by the neighbors GF

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  • #4
Do you collect a bounty?
Hey Butch,I wish. Here in IA. there is no bounty as so many folks hunt them and the DNR has determined that the competition amongst ourselves is adequate for controlling the pop. yet leaving enough for propagation.
It's an exercise in balance as a bounty would extinguish the pop.
We don't persue them this time of year as the pelts are not prime but more important, they are throwing pups right now and the photography season is coming soon.
Find a den now and start throwing dead chickens around it and in 2 months the young will be out,they are cute but they are also next hunting seasons quarry,we have no season here and legally they can be taken year around by almost any means possible.Drive-bys started here not in L.A.
The pic of bloated carcasses piled high in your p/u makes it look like you have no respect for the creatures.
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  • #7
The pic of bloated carcasses piled high in your p/u makes it look like you have no respect for the creatures.
1. Not bloated,frozen.Bloated would ruin hides
2.not "my" P/u
3.looks are sometimes decieving,for instance your avatar.

You're welcome to come over anytime to see how we respct these animals,and see the respect they give Kid's Lambs,and Calves this time of year and yet unless we actually see them doing it or get a call they are given a pass this time of year becuase of the aforementioned pups.
your opinion is still welcome as is the offence.Great Dayz;M:)
If they have to be in a pile e.g. to be transported somewhere to be processed or whatever, maybe skip the picture in the first place. To me it looks like he's gloating over the carnage.

It's one thing to take a pic of a game animal that was taken in fair chase and then posed or arranged in a respectful manner. It's another to take a pic of carcasses tossed into a pickup truck.

IMO it shows no respect. If he respects the creature or finds it a worthy advesary or a beautiful well adapted animal or whatever, show a picture of one of the best.

If he thinks coyotes are just garbage, why show anything at all. Why not show a picture of a pile of ants dead in the bottom of a trash can, same difference?
Holding off shooting because of pups is a good thing, I agree with you.

If I'm off base about your attitude then I'd be happy to be corrected.

Just the picture didn't seem to show a respect to Ma Nature.
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  • #12
If they have to be in a pile e.g. to be transported somewhere to be processed or whatever, maybe skip the picture in the first place. To me it looks like he's gloating over the carnage.

It's one thing to take a pic of a game animal that was taken in fair chase and then posed or arranged in a respectful manner. It's another to take a pic of carcasses tossed into a pickup truck.

IMO it shows no respect. If he respects the creature or finds it a worthy advesary or a beautiful well adapted animal or whatever, show a picture of one of the best.

If he thinks coyotes are just garbage, why show anything at all. Why not show a picture of a pile of ants dead in the bottom of a trash can, same difference?
I'll leave making a coat,mittens,and hat out of ants to you there friend.
You will provoke me no longer
So your problem isn't that he killed them, it's not that he piled them in a truck for transport, it's that he took a picture of it? So he's gloating over the count, fishermen are quite disrespectful, as are loggers.

Ever tried making a coat out of ants?

We shoot coyotes here, and we don't "respect" them any more than a turtle in my lake. They are killed with the intent to kill more.
I don't see the big deal; the thread title warns you you're going to see dead stuff.

Here's a couple feral cats I bagged week before last:
What kind of stock animals do you have? My family raised horses and my wife's raises sheep. Because of that, there are always a ton of coyotes around. We just keep dogs because we'd rather not shoot them, but you have to do something.
Sothere, have you actually had any problems with coyotes and calves?

I haven't seen too many lately, but it really depends on the year. BUT....I guess I've been involved in our calving enough to remember the last 16 years or so (when MY baby was old enough so I could get out and take care of other babies lol) I can say with all certainty that we've never had them mess with the livestock. They do mess with my dog, though so I'm not too fond of them.

Well....there was that one time, when a newborn's tail was stripped of hide off the last 6-7" of his tail. But that could also have been momma stepping on it, I guess.

That's a BUNCH of coyotes. Bet it gets pretty noisy out there at night.
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  • #22
Sothere, have you actually had any problems with coyotes and calves?

Mainly sheep and goats the cow folks have called and it was a small pack of 5 juvenile males but they were in there.the worst is they will eat the umbil.cord right into the stomach while the calf is still alive.
Goat neighbor east of me 12 miles counted 26 +/- under the yard light last year while Kidding.sheep guy lost 15 lambs 2 years ago.Yeah they're a problem.
Heres our gopher,we call em "Road Boners"as they run out in the road and stand up,we shoot them with handguns and air pistols in a form of competition in the off season
I'm knocking on wood as I type this, but I wonder why they never bother our calves.

When I do see them on the farm, they're always solitary. but they must pack also, cuz we hear them over here in the closer fields. This past fall they were just outside our bedroom window in some haybales that our neighbor had stored along the about LOUD!