Hi All,
Just thought I'd sign in. Tried registering back last year but for some reason it never went through properly. I know some of you guys from AS where I've been a regular offender for a couple years now under tha name 'imagineero'. I couldnt get the same nick here because of the sign in problems last year so I've got 'SydTreeguy'.
For those that dont know me, I'm a 33 year old form aus running a small residential tree removal business. I've come from a mixed background of industrial access, rescue work, sailing and coastguard then got into forestry while in new zealand a few years back. From there it wasn't much of a leap to put one and one together and get into tree climbing. I went from forestry to groundie/driver in residential tree work, got certified, started climbing, then climbing for myself and finally running my own small show.
Been a long time reader here and great to see so much information shared with so little drama. Look forward to becoming part of the discussions. Great to see Gerry here (got your book and DVD's) and a few other familiar faces that disappeared from AS in the past.