The official "Welcome New Members" thread!

Smart looking pup. Dealt with hearing impaired dog, this one looks on the ball!!
Ah he's a good buddy, but he's got a wildness to him too. Beyond stubborn only really listens to me, barely at all to my wife, and not at all to almost anyone else. Sometimes he just runs away I've got him fenced and a fenced kennel but somedays he just wants to run and there's no stopping him. I've got to be real careful with him now as he's attacked a couple neighbors dogs right in their own yards, not to cool.

The one neighbor said he's not like any other dog he's ever seen, just silent bolting out of the bushes at high speed and just ran his dog down, never barked and barely growled pure predator. If anything comes close to my yard he barks his face off but when he is actually loose chasing something, silent. He's caused me so much grief I've almost put him down but I couldn't bring myself to do it, so he lives quite a guarded life now. It's a shame really he's driven by his instincts to run wild yet if I let him he'll surely end up having to be put down. We do have alot of fun together though, loves to play.
Hey I'll get out of here. It took me a while to get use to this site,still not going well.
I would like some quicker response to coments.
My IM are at :[email protected] and also [email protected]. If you want to contact me 'lets talk some s@ht.
Hey I didn't want to loose you on my coment, but I've dealt with some spooky creaters and this feller looks like he's in his own world.

You get that I wasn't insulting your dog , RIGHT!!
Hey I didn't want to loose you on my coment, but I've dealt with some spooky creaters and this feller looks like he's in his own world.

You get that I wasn't insulting your dog , RIGHT!!

Heh no worries man, it's all good 8) .

Yah ole Gunth was neutered about six years ago, I still don't think he's forgiven me.:( I sure as hell wouldn't!
Not a new member, but it had been so long since I was here I had to sign up again. Glad to get back to the treehouse.
Hello errrrrybody.

I am new here, and looking forward to getting used to the way this forum works. Today is football Sunday....Go Steelers and Go Panthers!

Welcome to the Tree House, glad to have ya here.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a>
See Ya
Hi everyone. Im not an arborist by trade, just like fiddling around with chainsaws and cutting a little firewood. Ive heard about this site for a while so I thought I'd step in and check it out, Terry.
That's quite an arsenal, Terry. 8)

"Hello, my name is Terry and I'm a chainsawholic..." :lol:

Yep, thats me! Problem is that I still dont know a whole lot about fixing them up yet, so dont be suprised if I ask a lot of dumba$$ questions from time to time. I started out milling with chainsaws a little over a year ago and have turned into a true chainsaw junkie.:D