The Official Random Video Thread!

The Shakers didn't make their own children, nor was sex allowable, I believe. They took in kids that weren't wanted, and turned them into quality craftsmen and people of other high domestic skills. The sexual urges were relieved by getting together for group shaking, hence the name.
Religion and those in the Conservative diaspora who deny any of this is happening, make preparing for it nigh impossible. Liberal, tree hugging propaganda is what videos like that are referred to by the Rushs and the Becks of this country. The decisions we'd need to make would smack of socialism. Any President who warned us of this sort of thing, saying we need to consume and reproduce less would be eviscerated in elections. You have to say things are great, America's best years are ahead of it and stuff like that. Obama is getting lambasted for wasting money on his vision of a green economy as we speak and the video said that would be paltry savings at best.

Preparing goes against human nature and more significantly American ideology. We can't provide affordable healthcare to our people. How are we going to prepare for this future?
One thing on that vid that got me, was saying that the amount of fossil fuel that has taken nature five million years to produce, mankind currently uses up in one year.
Here's the odd thing, I buy all that and I'm still an optimist. It's funny to me that the video equated us to bacteria reproducing and doubling our population. When I was younger I pictured as mold overtaking an orange with no more oranges to jump off onto. The irony is that unlike the mold we can roughly see what is coming but still not change the outcome. We are aware but that awareness doesn't give us any greater ability to change the path we are on.

Why am I still optimistic? There have always been challenges for every generation. You can't chose them, it's just what it is. You do the best you can with what you are given and their is a sort of rough beauty in the effort. As an atheist I do not believe in there is purpose in anything. To some that would be depressing, to me it is a great relief. It was far more likely that I would never have been born and yet I was. What a great stroke of fortune to be alive. What ever time I get, I will enjoy. My wife and daughter are just the icing on the cake.
Nothing wrong with optimism if it gets you through the night. Based on the vid, it would appear that what mankind has coming if we don't change our ways, is unlike any other challenge that has ever been faced. I am not so optimistic, when I hear the neighbor starting their car thirty minutes or so before going to work because it is a little cold outside, or often cars kept running for the air conditioning, when people are shopping or at the post office in the summer. Too many dead heads out there to make meaningful changes, you can't really force people to get smart to the extent that is required.

They are complaining here that people are not reproducing enough, saying it isn't good for the country. That is how some people think.
There a loads of countries with negative population growth, they're being over shadowed by other countries.
Guess i'm making up for you slackers, sorry no guilt here


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