The Official Random Video Thread!

I don't think he made a single valid point.
Saying that an invading muslim force would struggle against an armed populous is stupid. He might as well be saying that an armed force of trolls would attack, or an armed force of dark wizards. It's all so much wind and piss.
Since Muslims are doing all the bombing and beheadings, Imma gonna worry about them for now. When a Christian declares a fat wah on me, I'll stomp them next.
Funny that. Last time I looked, it wasn't the Muslims invading and bombing the shit out of your country. Quite the opposite in fact...
I'm just trying to picture an army of Muslims or misguided skateboarders going to combat with the general populace on American soil. If it ever got to that point, something would have to have gone very a-rye quite a bit beforehand, it seems. A complete breakdown of national security.....the heads of the FBI and CiA in actuality covert jihadists themselves? Did anyone ever get a look at Obama's birth certificate?
As for the ability of the average American male to fight, when I just visited, the average American male looked fat, out of shape and nothing to be afraid of.
And I was in California, where obesity is comparatively low.

I'd be more scared if you had women like this:

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Maybe, but 50 million civilian gun-owning American citizens would certainly be a force; after all, six toothless rednecks with revolvers nearly kicked the shit out of the entire Mexican army at the Alamo. :lol:

I think you non-Americans tend to underestimate us severely- don't forget how many of those 50 million gun-toting civilians are in fact vets who might actually know how to use a weapon; including some of the posters in this very thread. ;)
Erik, I'm not doubting the reality of the defensive ability of 50 million armed civilians. I'm just struck by the idea that somehow an invading muslim army is going to attack the US on its home soil. Like I said, you might as well say your going to get attacked by goblins or Roman Gods. Its just empty posturing, mental masturbation.
Oh, that much was a given, Ed; I'm sure if an invading muslim army were gathering at our border, the Canucks would be pissed they're drinking all the beer, and the Mexicans would be happy they'd have someone to cross with. :lol:
Its kind of lame he's bad mouthing and challenging Muslims in English. The video wasn't made to taunt Muslim extremists but to get high fives from like minded white males. He's not tough, he's just talking tough. If he wants to be a badass he should draw and publish an unflattering cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad.
Darin, how long are you going to continue being offended by some random video somebody posted a few days ago? Let it go already. :roll:
Let's all go fly around in my new toy!

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Darin, how long are you going to continue being offended by some random video somebody posted a few days ago? Let it go already. :roll:
I comment the same day as everyone else and right after someone who has similar views as you posts about it and then I'm the one flogging the dead horse? Are we playing musical chairs?
This should make Brian "wince"

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I love it when old "Wild Bill" says : "A porky little national security advisor"

When was the last time Billy boy looked in a mirror?

"Wild Bill" may be slender by American standards, but in the rest of the world, he is a grade A porkybeast.

If he wants to pose as a hero, the least he could do is get in shape.
I'm a vegetarian. I can't eat them, so I flog them instead!
It's not dead yet! :lol:

Maybe some of us aren't quite as prepared as we should be... :/:

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