The Official Random Video Thread!

Another reason to look forward to summer, I can take my helmet cam to the track! Although the tracks here dont have shifter carts for rent the ones they have are still pretty quick.
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I had a gokart when a kid, a little hobby between my grandfather and myself. There was no track around, but there was a big church parking lot near my house, and it was usually vacant with no houses around. For racing, there was my brother's high school bus and a long stretch of road. Nobody seemed to mind, and the bus driver never said anything or got out to ring my neck. Besides, I was usually screaming along on the sidewalk. :what:
Water from desert air:

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Wish I had 1/10th of this blokes skill
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I may have that 1/10th, but not on that bike. My GasGas txt270 is so much easier to "play" with. I agree he has some skill indeed!

Even better after a second look, that's a Husaberg! I ride a Fe 400e, hence the Husabud name tag.
I remember this! It was a blast!!!

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This is insane!
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Hollywood bullshit.
Show me just one bike with a higher top speed than a missile.

ON a dirt road, that is!
<iframe src="" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">My Own Hands</a> from <a href="">Land and Sky Media</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>

From that other forum