The Official Random Video Thread!

And this

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I want one of these for sure!

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Willie... Apart from being a hot chick, that video is an example of how I never cease to be amazed what people can do with the human body. :thumbup:
Nice find Willie, sent it to my niece who is a pole instructor
Cool short film, with a bit of obscure history at the end. Worth the watch.

<iframe src="" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">The German</a> from <a href="">Nick Ryan</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
The Germans were wrecking havoc through Europe and killing the sons and daughters of their closest neighbors (though not the friendliest of), and Ireland chose to remain neutral. What was up with that?

As they put it, "… small nations like Ireland do not and cannot assume a role as defenders of just causes except [their] own … Existence of our own people comes before all other considerations … no government has the right to court certain destruction for its people; they have to take the only chance of survival and stay out".

The Irish gave the Brits a secret air base...and also officially expressed condolences to Germany after the death of Hitler. Nice of them. Admittedly, some Irish citizens took it on themselves to fight, and joined the British armed forces.
We sure did it tough in the old days.:(

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Rubbing is racing right?
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