I think it was '82 - a local BIG bar called Hanger 18 was sponsoring it. The contest had been going on for several weeks already when I heard of it. There were two weight classes - over 180 and under... heavy and light. I was about 185 and solid muscle, but I knew I wouldn't win as a heavyweight.
So, I starved myself for about 10 days and entered on the final two nights of the contest. I weighed in at 178. I weighed in early, and as soon as I was accepted I hauled my ass to Mcdonalds and ATE!
The first night was Friday, and I slew my first opponent around 9 pm. The bar was trying to drag it out - long story short I beat three guys that night which got me a $50 bar tab and qualified me for the next night.
Saturday rolled around, and that night they had the local FM station there covering it. The DJ was calling me the "One Second" something or the other cuz that's how fast I was taking them down. Seriously. As soon as the ref released us I would slam their arm to the mat. On that note...
It was funny... there was this one guy who got all pumped up and acted crazy and had his fans applauding/hooting him on. He came to the podium all psyched n shit, grabbed my hand all dominant-like, whooping and hollering. I just (as I always did) went all limp and let him squeeze the shit outta my hand.
When the ref released us, it was BAM.
He looked so surprised! About that time I started to get a real audience following. It was a hoot.
It was cool seeing the elimination chart they had posted. Out of maybe 60 or 70 guys, the last guy standing in the "lightweight" category was moi.
And I had $500! In 1982!