Seas are too rough. Not much of a developed harbor, only a minimal breakwater it appears, and they go out in traditional wooden long boats, nothing that looks like it could handle too well a sea badly churned up. No doubt that their seamanship with what they do have, must be excellent. They are good at saving people from vessels that have been shipwrecked or have run aground in the area. If you went out and got into some bad straights, I'm not sure that there is much that could come out to your aid, so probably they prefer to stay at home if the conditions are questionable.
Unless someone from another place has married to an islander and moved there, all the inhabitants are descendants from seven original families. They don't allow immigrants, apparently. Interesting why people settled there in the first place. The British exiled Napolean to another island, and they wanted a few soldiers out there to keep an eye on things in case the French had a rescue in mind. When they closed down the garrison, one guy stayed with his family, then later was joined by six other men. They comprised the original permanent settlers. Some women were imported to be wives. The story goes that they waited in line when the women came in, and in the order of which woman got out of the boat per guy in line, that was who you hooked up with. Must have been desperate.... For some reason, if you watch the vids on the place, just about all the women seem to grow fat. Eating must be one of the few forms of recreation for them, along with the sedentary activity of knitting.
You'd fit in, Butch. After the fish all day, nothing to do but lift weights and practice guitar. Eventually return to the states as Conan the guitar slayer!