The Official Random Video Thread!

Maybe not as adrenalin inducing but I present to you a video of perhaps the best striker Holland has ever had. Marco Van Basten

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Nice one, Paul.

As for Jack's embed...I dunno, I musta been standing behind the door when they were handing out the "practical jokes are funny" gene. Getting your jollies by making fun of others at their expense, just seems like a shitty way to treat folks.
Well that's not the video I embedded. MY APOLOGIES. I have no idea what that was or how it got that there. So, I am deleting it.

Let me try that again:

I should be -- Alexander Polli, Tracksuit, Wingsuit Flying: Reality Of Human Flight

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As Sheriff Woody said to Buzz Lightyear, "that's not flying, that's falling with style."
Good vid Jack.

Burnham, I agree about the mean jokes etc, heck I am probably the one person that didn't like those Bob Saget 'funniest' video shows in the 90's. I still don't get the funny seeing people hurt themselves.
was doing a bit of research and bumped into this video, found it interesting.
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Saw them on tv this morning:

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Adorable ... :)
Step ladder rescue


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Have ya'll seen this? Use your keyboard to make his muscles make a sound. Ha.

<iframe src="" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href="">Old Spice Muscle Music</a> from <a href="">Terry Crews</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>