The Movie/TV/New Releases Thread

On an iPad the YouTube utility list on the left has no desktop link whatsoever.

Back in my PC days here at the house? I embedded hundreds of YouTube music vids into Old Monkey's music thread no problem.


Maybe you've got the wrong app, browser or settings.

Probably why Android is way more popular here.
It's not the Apple help thread so back to movies.

This is opening here for the holidays, kids should like it and I think I could even watch it.

The international trailer is a bit better, it shows a bit more of it.

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Butch posted this a while back, they sure are giving Tarantino some bad press about it.

“Excruciatingly bad,”

"The Hateful Eight is Quentin Tarantino at his most sophisticated and sloppy."

Think I'll watch it now, every time they do that I end up saying it was a great movie.

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There's somethin about gratuitous violence deeply rooted in the Hollywood cartoons my generation grew up watching.

Begging the question of whether the generations prior to the advent of TV were far more firmly rooted in reality.

Most folks puke and go into a state of shock upon being exposed to real blood n guts for a very good reason.

Becoming immune to it ain't quite human or natural IMO.

The Hateful Eight was cool, interesting twist there at the end.

Seth rawks!

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Don't think I ever saw Neighbors, guess I'll have to watch it now.

The Tree was on tv a couple of nights ago. Bit of a chick movie really but worth a look, it went over well at the Cannes Film Festival. I remember Ekka drove out to see the tree, it's about 50 miles from Brisbane. There's some big ones around here but they are slowly going.

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This one looks silly enough to be interesting.

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Just watched this. It was cool to learn a bit about early London gangster activity, and T. Hardy playing both roles was quite neat.

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That looks interesting. I was looking for the scene in the trailer cover picture, didn't see it!
I was rather bored with Snowpiercer. OK, but nothing special.

I'm on episode 6 of "Peaky Blinders" and liking it...

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Just watched "Field of Lost Shoes".

Not a bad story. Seems out there character-wise though, and thought the costume/make-up could have done much better.
Ben Hur, it's gonna be hard to better Charlton.

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BH looks cool, but dayum! Morgan Freeman is the only star? Hmmmm...

This looks interesting!

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I usually don't go much for remakes but that Tarzan looks ok.

So does this. Pretty hard to top the Yul Brenner one but it's got a good cast.

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If you've never seen The Seven Samurai, you should.

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Ok, I've got a special one.

"I Am Wrath"

It's got John Travolta, Christopher Meloni, and a bit of Rebecca DeMornay. It's a typical revenge movie. It's been done before, but it's not bad. It'll be in theaters in a couple weeks but it's on ITunes and Amazon Video now.

Personally, I think the best scene is the last one with the mailman, but I'm a little biased.


I'm the mailman...
