The Movie/TV/New Releases Thread

I watched RoboCop Thursday, I believe. It was way better than the originals in terms of the quality, I enjoyed it.

Better than the original? That I've got to see. Do you mean quality of filming/special effects? 'Cos it'll have to go some to beat the original in terms of dark humour and sheer brilliance.
"Can you fly Bobby?"
Filming and special effects. I tried watching the original a while back, but it was too cheesy.
Ok I guess it's a generational thing, the dialogue is so brilliant. It was a firm favourite with my friends and I back in the day.
We loved the boardroom scenes in Omni-consumer-products.
This looks like fun.

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I was just reading about that. Vin Diesel does the voice for tree Groot.


"Ever tried fighting a tree.":laughing6:
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The new Robocob has been absolutely panned by critics. All the dark humour of the original has gone. That Ahnold flick looks cool though.
I saw the remake of True Grit on the Telly the other night, it was ok, but I don't understand why remake it nearly the same.
Jeff Bridges was good but not as good as JW. Why not just put him in a new story?
I guess. It's a money thing.
Better than the original? That I've got to see. Do you mean quality of filming/special effects? 'Cos it'll have to go some to beat the original in terms of dark humour and sheer brilliance.
"Can you fly Bobby?"

I feel the same way. I can literally see Boddicker saying it before they toss him out.

No 6000SUX, no Dick Jones, no Clarence Boddicker, no cobra gun, wtf? :D

I'll still go see it, but if they make a new Robocop 2 it better have nuke and Cain!
I need a new head.

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And then there's this.

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Remember the movie? Fargo starts on FX this week, looks pretty good.

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Don't watch this, first seven minutes. I stopped at two, think I'll wait till it starts.