The Movie/TV/New Releases Thread

This should be good, Tommy boy don't frig around.

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No? How about this, much different...

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Back before the press prevented presidents from being human beings!

I can't quite figure this one out...

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Me neither ... looks disturbing ... think we'll give that a miss! :what:
I enjoyed the original film, this looks interesting.

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Saw that today, I'm excited to see how it turns out. I liked the original quite well. Interesting to see they've changed it from Russia to North Korea, I thought it was China at first, which I think would've been more realistic. But it should be a good movie overall.
N. Korea has a million man standing army, and they appear to be some of the better nourished people in the country. Their heavier weaponry is lacking, a fair amount of what they show at their parades are cardboard cutouts. I find it implausible that civilians, even ex high school football players with hot girlfriends, could ever take on a trained force. Heroic, but it would be slaughter.
why North Korea? propaganda, plain and simple. We are China's biggest customers, why would we want them to think we fantasize about war with them. In the 80's Rambo fought Russians, heck so did Rocky. North Korea is a good adversary as its not too far from political trth AND the producers won't lose one cent of revenue as there is no way that movie would ever get to theaters there anyways. Why limit your audience if you don't have to?
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That's old news, brother - already posted in this thread.

Here's the one you really wanted. :drink:

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I dunno... I think Arnold may be pushing it, here...

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Ain't nothin' like a good axe fight ... :lol:

Bang, down, owned

Now, this is different! :/:

The Beauty Inside First Look Trailer:
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The Beauty Inside Official Trailer:
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The Beauty Inside. Episode 1: Hello My Name is Alex -- Published August 15, 2012
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So ... what would you do first, if you woke up as the opposite gender? :?