The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

I don't think I agree with the "not dangerous" classification. You may not be carried off to a cave by your neck, but nincoms can screw you over in thousands of not immediately obvious ways.

Agreed. Or if the Nincom has Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (HMF), or some other lower GI transferable virus or maybe tape worms, heart worms, or round worms, etc.

Always poke with a stick, not your fingers, to determine what the Nincom has been consuming or is infested with. If your dog eats the poop of a Nincom, it could be bad news.

Nincom have been known to eat the scat of others, don't you know? It's a well-established fetish held by many Nincom. I was told this by a make believe scatological expert/fecal phenom with two medical degrees in the surprisingly important field of scatology.
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I've been behind them at the store. Side by side also, so they can completely block passage.
I’ve heard it was rude to pass an elderly person. I don’t remember where I’ve heard it and believe it is an old fashioned gesture. Anyway, I will abstain from passing if it only cost less than 30 seconds but I ain’t moping along down an entire grocery store isle either.
I try to maintain a respectful distance, and to not appear too impatient by turning sideways and slipping through quickly. I'll even turn around and go somewhere else for awhile, but my patience is *very* limited, especially with disrespectful people that think the universe revolves around them. There's numerous examples, and it isn't only old people by a long shot. Age will get you a little bit from me, but don't push it.
Stay away from our local dairy/milk isle. Elderly from a parallel universe parked perpendicular aside one another chatting.......
As a "cheese head," can confirm the existence of such parallel dimensional elderly in the dairy aisle engaged in alternate universe discussions about putting moth balls in their drawers (and smelling like moth balls), wearing whatever they want (oblivious to recent fashion; mostly knee high socks with shorts), discussing green thumb gardening techniques that are outdated, and, for the men, looking at young girls and saying, "ah, to be 50 again!"