I'll hook you up, but here's the deal. Limited supply - No strange and no deals with your boyfriend's aunt's cousin's divorced brother on your mother's side
No sales to fried or carmelized buyers, don't care if you are a regular
Make sure you're not followed walk through the woods and down the driveway, leave your vehicle at the crossroad
Act normal when you walk by the German Shepherd, use her name, she'll let you pass, otherwise I hope you can outrun her trying to get your a** back to your car
When you get to the door knock once, slide your order and the cash for a loosey, a trio, a mini special, a six pack or a disciple under the door. The emerald beauties are double the price. Move to garage door open it, your order will be ready in a plain brown bag sitting on the counter. Leave the same way you entered and don't make eye contact with the dog. Oh Yay ~Peace~