Hi Chaps
Yes good to be online, not its more expensive, and yet to sort voip as were not sure when they are going to kill the copper land line going by their previous lack of communication.
Was on 460 kBytes download, now on 2500, only real difference is that yt dosent have to wait to play vid, and zoom things are better quality for others to see us, thats about it.
emails are not really any noticable difference.
Poor wife, she is in the middle of a book launch, her 3rd book, this one about Zero Waste sewing/ patterns etc, and to loose her online ability, which is pretty much the only way to deal with orders, reviews, dealing with the printers etc, was horrible.
Not to mention the banking.
we had to use the neighbors wifi 1km up the road, daughters laptop, and the 2 way radios in the utes to sort internet banking and codes sent to the land line.
yeah, no mobile coverage where we live, so to say it was an inconvenience is a bit of an understatement.
The mess around its caused has been considerable.
And to add insult to injury, the large order of books that should have arrived several weeks ago, finally arrived today, after being incorrectly sent to the wrong depot, after it had actually arrived at the right depot, and to sort out that mess just takes up so much of your time you dont have available.
At least they were not damaged in transit, so now were madly packing orders and will head back into town this arvo and finally mail them out.
Poor people who ordered them, having to wait for so long and it was all out of our hands, and we were doing all we could to sort it.
Makes hanging in a tree seem so much less stressful I guess.