The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

Walking the straight and narrow

I got pulled over last night and asked if I could pass a drug test. I told the officer "Probably, lay them out and I'll try to tell you what they are."
That, apparently wasn't the answer he wanted...
Similar: officer pulled me over, asked me to walk the line. I asked, "Which one? The one on the left or the one on the right?"
[I know -- I'll go for the one in the middle!]
I think that is rude. It seems like a snide backhand at conservatives who simply want immigration laws enforced. This isn't the right thread or sub forum to get into it, but I take great offense at your insinuation that conservatives are simply prejudiced.

You will turn away an awful lot of potential business with those signs. But you will make all the lefties happy.
That's an interesting take on it -- but good to hear the feedback. It's actually meant to be a sideways dig at the local liberal-leaning collegiate mindset -- but one that would probably fly under the radar. You don't know my own political views because I tend to stay apolitical, especially online! We definitely don't discriminate against anyone who will pay us to trim their trees. We've worked for rich, poor, black, white, hispanics, Indians, Persians...

(And it's not a real sign, just a mockup posted in the Funny Pics thread...)
You're in a hot bed of illegal immigrants, Brian, right? What do you think should be done?

Immigration is a tough cookie.

Especially for immigrant European Americans. You know how the Italians got to be WOPs? With Out Papers. A lot of Irish were WOPs, too, and lots others. My family has been here for 2 and 3 generations, don't know if they came with papers.

How far back should we go?

Last I checked, no Native Americans were ever in power in the US. A few probably were, at some point, clearly, but you know what I mean.

Topic for another thread.
Funny thing, Brian.
To you, I'd be about as leftie as one can get without actually falling out over the left edge of the planet, but I'm dead set against the immigration that is threatening the Europe we used to know.

I'd feel the same way about your Hispanics.
All I'm saying is that it seems like there is an assumption that 'the other guys' do discriminate against immigrants (without differentiating between legal or illegal immigrants) and is right in line with the far left talking points. We all make assumptions based on what people say, and my first assumption would be that you're taking a swipe at those on the right side of the political spectrum. I may be wrong but that's how it looks to me. But don't be surprised if you don't get many calls from them.

There is a reason why I will never put any sort of political bumper sticker or sign on my vehicles. The only thing it can accomplish is to irritate half my potential client base. If I get a call from a potential client who goes out of their way to express opposing political views from me then I simply figure that into my bid. But if I had that bumper sticker or sign then they probably would have never called in the first place.
It also reeks of political correctness, which is never a good thing.
Just envision me with some Weird Al style zany haircut and facial expressions, holding the sign. And realize it is poking fun at political correctness.
But again, this is "for your eyes only" -- not really for public consumption. Consider yourselves the test lab to see how it would go over in the marketplace.
Somehow it is too close to what one would imagine someone to make a sign like to be satire.
I don't know if you understand what I mean, but for satire it would have to be a little bit off.

That sign just made me real tired.
We are drowning in PC over here.
I'm finding it fascinating the level of interest versus the previous sexual gratification device, cannibalism, posthumous disingenuousness posts, etc. I guess that's a good gauge of the current political climate and the polarizing nature of the issue. Now in this present climate "It's a joke!" doesn't go very far and First Amendment freedoms aren't regarded as sacred anymore when held under the lens of political correctness. Meanwhile, in the US, we have this decision for clarity regarding signs:
That wasn't a dildo, it was a vibrator.
Those are way more PC than dildos.