Thanks Steve Bullman!

"The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
The script had an error or it did not produce any output. If there was an error, you should be able to see it in the error log. "
i always used to have problems here too.....i wonder if its the server maybe. i switched servers since running arbtalk and this newer one is quicker on pics for sure
Five at once no problemos with a super weak piggybacked wireless signal that took all of 15 seconds.


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ok im trying 5 also ........................................................................................................................................................ no soap:(


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just tried 5 pics an it was a no go.


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Lets see if I can upload pictures at all.

This is the first pic from my digital cam the site has allowed me to download in 6 months or more.:whine:


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Steve, again, thanks for the unread post feature being back! It makes it so much easier to keep up with what folks are talking about!
Ohhh, I thought you meant like unread threads... That was the one I missed from the old TH.
I'm happy to have the unread posts back, too. Thanks, Steve.

I can only upload one pic at a time...been that way for maybe a couple of months...I'd much rather be able to browse and select 5 and then let them load while I do something else than baby-sit one at a time.