Thanks Sandy . now I have to go on the Road


Jul 1, 2008
southern Vermont
... I was spared major damage here, y'all know what happened elsewhere. Fellow ski patroller needs several trees fell ... they are mostly un damaged standing stems... location is Westchester NY ... three hrs drive ... local companies cannot get tofor five to six more WEEKS .. gonna stuff a little car with saws, climb gear, and rigging, will probably bring GRCS as well .... not sure what to charge! ... he is eligible for friends and family rate .... any ideas?
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More detail far cannot get anyone else to go with me .... customer is capable and willing to help lower, pull, whatever also has a tractor on site
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More looking for pricing help .... I want to it to be fair, for both of us. Have no idea what local legit outfits are selling at....Where on the Cape are you. ? ... my very first out of town storm chase was Hurricane Bob hitting the Cape, spent about three weeks in Centerville, Osterville, Yarmouth .... we come down to work, brought. Gear and even our own gas (stations wern't pumping unless you went Hyannis)... the locals were more Tree Planters than cutters... we came in made coin, and had everyone's respect for our skills and equipment
Orleans. I was a little green for Bob, but still made some serious coin. I was amazed at how many out of towners showed up over night. Slightly pissed at first, but thankful after for the help. There is no way local companies can keep up with a disaster.

Fwiw, I worked with a local guy near Saratoga over the holidays and we were damn close price wise. It's not Westchester, but couldn't be too far off. Roughly $175/ hr for climber and groundie with saws and such. When you add the truck and chipper he gets $225. I'll see if I can find a pic of his setup.
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When Bob was sending Trees Down, and lawn furniture (plus a few boats) UP ... I called a buddy who was there ... I asked "If I come down tomorow can I make a thousand dollars in a day? " ... he replied "tomorrow, here ... you could make a thousand bucks with a rake" ... HaHa ... we left notes for the people in Vermont we were supposed to work for ( 1:00 AM. Leaving note on a Skidder on the landing. ) loaded and went. The same locals that were a little pissed we showed, wound up reccomending us for some technical work later
An amazing amount of treework has already been accomplished in my area, and yet there are still many huge downed trees in backyards yet to be touched, 1 month later.

You are so right about the out of town help, resented at first, God bless ya later.
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  • #10
I refused an offer to go to Greenwich Conn right after ... a friend's uncle had big Pine down blocking his driveway ....several ... noting on buildinds or wires (also customer is wealthy) it took ten days for a simple driveway cutout with no cleanup from locals... just seemed silly to go down and pay ridiculous price for gas in an area with NO electricity- ... passed
If you want storm work, I think going to the place where it took 10 days to get a rich guy's driveway cut open, that's the place to go.

Edit: and Greenwich is one of the tree work capitals of the world, so when it takes 10 days there, you know there is an utterly massive amount of tree work to do.
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... thing is I really didn't want to go... had schedule. Work here, plus electricity and gas... a Green Mt Power lineman that I work with on ski patrol was sent to Conn right after, he called and said he was in a line of one hundred bucket trucks, they were slept on cots in a school gym. My friend in NY Emailed me right after to come down....acount hacked , did't get message for awhile. Now that power and fuel are back it will be easer to do-
If you were busy otherwise then more power to you.

I am deeply seriously sick of it now, just way too much. Obviously I'm gonna stick with it and do all I can, make hay while the sun shines etc etc, but enough already.

Even though the damage was extensive, and it is the 3rd straight year of at least one serious tree-damaging storm each year, when you look across the landscape, you can't tell anything happened based simply on sheer # of missing trees. Probably 1% of 1% of all the trees went down so, in other words, not many trees from the whole population. So it makes me think of those pictures of places after a Cat 5 hurricane or a tornado where there are virtually no trees left. Clean up after those storms must on a whole nother level. Probably invokes lots more bulldozers and tub grinders and fewer buckets and chainsaws.
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  • #16
... trip is on, shaped right up ... should be able to get in early , Kill Trees in two locations 20 min away from eachother .... maybe one .ong day and I am back in the Green Mts where I belong ....just wondering if leaving the GRCS in VT would save weight ... judging from the little EMail pics on my phone (REALLY decieving as they all look small)-doesn't look like we will have to hoist anything, most of them look like pull trees....
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Bring it. You never know who lives next door or the real problem at hand.

... that is great counsel ... you are right ... never know, could help someone else with big longs near the rooflines. For pulling the Tirfor gives 5 Ton MA single line, with extra hard rigging and Crosby block it is heavy ... gonna make room in the Honda for the GRCS , lowering gear and extra blocks
Charge what it is worth. Consider your travel expensives and make some money. Remember what you do, very few can do, so charge according to that. MAKE MONEY.
Charge what it is worth. Consider your travel expensives and make some money. Remember what you do, very few can do, so charge according to that. MAKE MONEY.

Remember the risk and demand. You can give a price break it you choose after everything goes as planned with no personal, tool, or property damage.
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  • #24
... got two great days ... all went well , glad to be back .... easily could have stayed for weeks with work offers we had. Local Tree guys prices seem about right but an 7 or 8 week backlog isn't that great for customers with problems. Worked in White Oaks which do not grow at this elevation ... heavy long limbs. Two pull trees we're chock full of nails maybe for an old tree house (hey. "Tree House! ") ... Spikes consantly got barked up

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