t540 xp

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Mine won't idle to warm up in the freezing temps. Barely runs and won't warm up. Unfortunately for it the solution thus far has been to just keep running a 200 instead.

Kinda disappointing. Seems like a sucky thing for climbing in the cold. Hang out and get cold while the saw warms up. No thanks. Also with it not even idling to warm itself up. That really sucks aloft.
Come back to the 201! Mine both run perfect now, the older troublesome one was liberated with some holes drilled into the exhaust, the newer one has been superb from day one.
I've got a handful of decent to new 200s still.

Thinking I may have to ship the 201, 540, and a 200 or two off for some reworking. All my bigger saws I run are modded. I hate thinking I'm missing out on the little guys.

Don't get me wrong my 201 cuts ok. The 540 I'd say has an edge on it and is quite comparable so far to a 200. To soon and to little time on the 540 to make a preference call between it and a 200.
Just my uneducated WAG.

squisher do you have the winter kit installed that come with them?

You see how the air injection is fed on these in earlier pics? Wondering is kit not on it and might be icing up. To low operating temps.

PER Manual : states running problems can occur in COLD and SNOWY conditions. -5C or 23F or lower. Says icing up of air filter and carb. To partially mask off the air inlet to increase operating temps. Use your winter kit that came with it.
Yah I didn't install the winter kit. Looked to me like it was more for keeping snow out. I would say id try it but probably will just run the 200s if it's below -5.

On the Stihls I've had zero issue even if I don't flick the little thingy over from summer to winter but I guess this saw needs that kit installed to even idle?
Just guessing again. The stihl isnt air injection like this 540 is. Pulling air from the outside cover to air dam to carb area like the 540 is. Just my WAG. Wont know to you try it.
The stihl is just opening a cover hole to get heat from the cylinder to carb area.

I'm just guessing here at trying to trouble shoot. Others have ideas? I remember Willard talking about the 550's he has running weird and the cold way back too without winter kits.
use the winter kit Justin its there for a reason. Come winter I always put the winter covers on the grille of my pickup and wife's mini van to keep the engines warmer. Same goes with the saws and open up the window to get cylinder heat back to the carb.
Like Kevin said I had the exact problem with the 550's , just had to read the owners manual a little more carefully. We're stuck with new micro processor technology and I last heard the MS201 is going to become a CM with what the 540 has.

Warm that 540 up then stick a 24" long block of firewood on end and make rip cuts down into it for 5 minutes, like the manual says that should set it up for the season, don't forget the winter kit.
There was a video I just recently saw on AS that compared an echo 355 vs 201 vs 540. The first 2 are modded but it was still interesting to see the times
Mine won't idle to warm up in the freezing temps. Barely runs and won't warm up. Unfortunately for it the solution thus far has been to just keep running a 200 instead.

Kinda disappointing. Seems like a sucky thing for climbing in the cold. Hang out and get cold while the saw warms up. No thanks. Also with it not even idling to warm itself up. That really sucks aloft.

I've been using mine in temps all the way to -22 no issues and I don't have the winter cover on. Maybe because mines broken in? Not sure but I let it idle up the way the manual says and no issues. All my guys want to run it now over the 200's ....... Sorry I'm the boss and it's my saw! Lol my 200's are still running good so I won't buy another climbing saw till they are toast!
I've just been told that there is a firmware computer upgrade available for the early t540s. Mine are getting done tomorrow. Apparently it takes a few minutes and fixes the problem of bogging down when the saw is cold. I'll try to get revision numbers from the husky dealer
That would be cool. I ran mine in the woodpile to 'set' it and it's been in the shop ever since. lol.

Kinda bogus IMO to even have to mess with it like that but I'll get it back on the truck.
My dealer has my 540 waiting on me to pick it up. Its going to take some getting used to. My Johnny 2139 has run flawlessly for years now. Ive only ever had to tap the air filter out.
Mines mucked up somehow. Won't idle, will drop off and die in the cut if run hard and hot like when trying to 'run it in' to set it.

I'm not frigging with it. I'm done. It's going to the dealer and hopefully they'll find the issue.

201 now this. I've never had two duds in a row before.
A friend of mine bought one after I told him about it. Turns out there was a whole run, day or week, that is running poorly and been recalled. Something to do with the carb and or lines to it. The local dealer has fifteen he cannot sell because they are part of that same run. Maybe you got a bum too.
the tuned one I bought runs OK but only cuts as good as my 4 year old stock 200, I will run a few more tanks through it and see how it breaks in. I was hoping for a screamer but it doesn't seem to be this one:(
Mine got upgraded firmware and has about 5 hours on it. It seems to have fixed the problem. The dealer had to get the new program from mother H as there wasn't any service notes on the dealer login
I don't have just one, Magnus. I have like five 200's a 201 and this thing. Yah I'd hate to lose a day or even hours to a climbing saw going down and it was my only one. It'd be stupid.

Climbing saws make me so much money I'll try all the top and newcomers. Wouldn't make sense to not know I'm running the best saw I possibly can be.

I mean as a pro user what else would you suggest?

I really like the 200, but it is getting harder to find now. I have a buddy that sit on a couple more for special custemers, but then I am not sure what to do or say.
Not really sure what to suggest now as the newer models are not stepping up to plate.
I have not had a chance to try the newer out properly.

Fresh air engines will not do it. They simply are not up to the task if you depend on it to run. For those that have collections of saws it is just to grab another and fix both later, but those that has demands and rather change saws than have multiple it is hard to find something bullet proof.
It is costly for me to test out a bunch of saws and try to get a opinion.
I bought a 201 and it was very poor until I drilled some holes in the exhaust, then I bought another 3 months later and it has been superb right from the start, easily as good as the. 200s I have had,others have had the same experience.
The dealer, of course, denies any change. Have you heard of any change at all or have any theories?
Ok. Sure you can improve just about anything and get a crappy saw to be tolerable, but then I should not have to pay for developing the saw.
If the manufacturer can't get it right, I don't want it.
Performance and how environmentally correct it is has no importance if the darn thing won't run.
I bought a 201 and it was very poor until I drilled some holes in the exhaust, then I bought another 3 months later and it has been superb right from the start, easily as good as the. 200s I have had,others have had the same experience.
The dealer, of course, denies any change. Have you heard of any change at all or have any theories?
Muffler mods cylinder/carb/ignition changes..
I heard a lot. I still think it could be just as easy to make a good saw as a bad one. They know what they are doing...
If they quit doing crap that is not doing anyone any good and focus on doing it right hey would do environment a bigger favor.

This is were we come in. If we buy the crap, they think it is OK. Best way to affect production is with no sales.
You can't buy and wine about it after... That won't work, they still build what they earn most of then.
Just plugged my saw into the Husky software. The new version of software they installed is ver 1.1.8. Very happy with the saw now. After the upgrade i let it idle for about 5 minutes then did some long rips for about 5 minutes. The saw is starting nicely and revving nicely when cold.

Definitely don't touch the throttle when trying to start the saw as it seems to flood it.