Stein Arbor-Trolley

Geez, Big Green is lucky and they dont even know it
Good show
Why on earth would you not have put at least the first two arm loads in the chipper tray?
This is about smarter not harder correct;)
These vids are so good, peeps are gonna be selling their minis
I actually inquired about shipping charges to Tasmania...$450...not half bad considering the size and weight.
Now to start the savings fund...
We fit this entire small ash tree on the trolley and threw on some random brush as well. We were able to make it out from the back of the back yard in one trip while keeping the truck off the driveway per the clients request.



Here is another ash tree a bit bigger, in the yard and the 'alley' between the houses. This is just the brush, as the log was left for another load.



Taking brush out like this, if you remove the handle you can generally push it right into the feedwheels and the chipper will take it right off the trolley as long as you remove the upright staves.

And here is one with some longer lengths of logs. This load was easy to get out as I just drove it from the back of the long side and sent the short side out first.


Here is a quick clip of the last load going out to the street

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BG makes money, no?? Why don't they just plunk for it. It's not like it's new climbing gear that needs to be "approved" first
I didnt want all that off topic business stuff staying in the public eye. I didnt mean for your post to be deleted, but I asked Butch to delete the others. He did it for me.

Bird is the word!

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