Starting Up/How You got Started?

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I'll second that.
Only reason I made the shift from employee to my own boss was the contacts I had build up during all my years in the business.
And maybe partly the reputation, I had, too.

Still, the first 3 years were hard. Then it started getting momentum and now that I have a good client base and a fine trustworthy partner, it is pretty smooth sailing.

I love being my own boss, wouldn't go back to employee status for anything.
Yep, it can be tough. I was joking with Carl yesterday whilst waiting for the charcoal to burn down about having to nail on shingles to pay for my bucket truck.

Nowadays, if/when I hear someone quote the old adage, "Money doesn't grow on trees...", I just say, "Sure it does, you just have to know how to harvest it!"
Very important. I saw an Asplundh crew a week or two ago that had a coffee maker and microwave in the side box of their truck. I'm getting ideas now.
I don't drink coffee.
I can't imagine how I made it in this business:lol:
It would definitly help keep the crew on sight. Keep the traveling for lunch time down.
For sure. I keep a small propane grill in the bucket truck. Beef, chicken, and turkey hot off the grill everyday. :)
I've been climbing trees my whole life but only been doing tree work for about a year and a half, there's a lot to learn. climbing the tree and getting out on the tips is one thing, using a chainsaw in that same spot is another. What these guys said about working for other people for a bit is a good idea. books can't teach it all.
Books can't teach it all but bookkeeping will make or break ya. Got to dot yer I's and cross yer t's...which reminds me that I should have checked the 'I want to remit yearly' box rather than quarterly...damnit now I have to go back to work.

I hate spreadsheets.
Hey Canadiantreeman, it looks like you are now on you own..... How's that working out so far? Hope things are going well. It sounds like you are having as much fun with the "office" part of the job as I usually have. Doing the books usually makes me want to go back working for the man.
Books can't teach it all but bookkeeping will make or break ya. Got to dot yer I's and cross yer t's...which reminds me that I should have checked the 'I want to remit yearly' box rather than quarterly...damnit now I have to go back to work.

I hate spreadsheets.

Some people love 'em, and you can pay them to manage them.