Thanks very much for addin me to the group! Much appreciated!
I am presently using VT/hitch climber rapide pulley. I am looking at purchasing the Spiderjack for DdRT and canopy work, it really does look sweet. That said, i am also looking in to SRT for access. Was ready to pull the trigger on Ropewrench but now that i am seeing the Hitch Hiker so much i am in the personal debate mode. With that in mind, has anyone tried the SJ with RW on SRT? The thought is that it should work, but my concern is that the SJ wouldn't be as responsive with heavy sitback. I would love to try out the demo systems you are offering. Its great to get other pros comments and reviews but ultimately it boils down to personal preference i guess. I would like to be added to the Canuckian list! Unless someone can convince me of the best option and/or i can't wait, because i am terribly impatient.
I am presently using VT/hitch climber rapide pulley. I am looking at purchasing the Spiderjack for DdRT and canopy work, it really does look sweet. That said, i am also looking in to SRT for access. Was ready to pull the trigger on Ropewrench but now that i am seeing the Hitch Hiker so much i am in the personal debate mode. With that in mind, has anyone tried the SJ with RW on SRT? The thought is that it should work, but my concern is that the SJ wouldn't be as responsive with heavy sitback. I would love to try out the demo systems you are offering. Its great to get other pros comments and reviews but ultimately it boils down to personal preference i guess. I would like to be added to the Canuckian list! Unless someone can convince me of the best option and/or i can't wait, because i am terribly impatient.