Square Foot Gardening


Sep 25, 2006
Vernon, B.C.
Anyone here try it out before?

I've got a bunch of boxes put in for this year. First year.


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sort of a hybrid of French Intensive gardening, I guess.
Nope, I do the pots on the patio system :D

edit:I am growing;
potatoes (2 caribe and 2 warba, in the 5 gallon pots), 'field' of onions (walla walla), 3 types of lettuce, spinach, beets (for the greens), arugula, parsley, cilantro, rosemary, chocolate mint, spearmint, chives, green onions, cress, strawberries, blueberries and dill. the other pots are a mix of plants for use in my landscaping jobs, hostas, astilbe, ferns etc. :)


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Katy is planting her square foot garden from seeds and what she raised in the green house... Some of it got hit the other day though... We have a new pair of baby goats that found their way through the fence. :( She is starting some of it over... Spinach WAS looking good:roll:. We'll have tomatoes in it as of the 15th.
the south side :)


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oh, FWIW, they arent planted in the ground because as far as I know as soon as they are they become 'common' property as I live in a strata community condominium, the pots are MINE. :D
We've got a raised bed ,4 by 36 feet .It does pretty well.

A few tomatoes ,cucumbers ,green and banana peppers etc .

The cucumbers are grown on a trellis . The tomatoes are staked .On a good year they will exceed 8 feet up the stakes .
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I'll take some pics of mine when it looks like more than just boxes full of dirt.:D We're a little bit further behind than most here I think.
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No broccoli in my garden. I've got a boatload of strawberries in so far, and some potatoes and herbs.
Potatoes is all I need, never get tired of eating them. Tonight as well. It must be the Russian blood in my veins...vodka from taters isn't bad either.
Seedlings are just popping here. Broccoli, kale, chard, spinach, cauliflower, cabbage. In about another week it'll be time to put in squash, corn, beans, etc., and tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant in the cold frame.
The square foot guy, Mel Bartholemew used to come to Bermuda once a year and run workshops. I was the landscape manager for a hotel and we set up two 26' long beds and I grew all the fresh herbs for the kitchen...cool thing was we had a Barbadian chef and he used to make all the staff lunches...curried goat, coriander and coconut dumplings, coriander flatbread, ox tail stew...oh yum!
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How was that Mel guy? He seems like a bit of a card from his book. I'm very interested in his method and have high hopes for it. I have five 4x4 garden boxes in place now.
How was that Mel guy? He seems like a bit of a card from his book. I'm very interested in his method and have high hopes for it. I have five 4x4 garden boxes in place now.

Yeah, he was interesting, very into his gardening, I suppose the same way we all are about trees!

One other 'small space' method he used was growing potatoes in 5 gallon buckets. Works a treat, you just keep topping up the soil level as the plants grow then dump the whole lot out to harvest. Very easy!
spuds are booming after a couple days of sunshine (finally!). lettuce is rocking, spinach looks like it is bolting and the blueberries are flowering tons. Onions seem happier now too, so far we have had 3 salads from the garden :D
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Yesterday morning we had a heavy frost. Things are coming along slowly here, still covering everything every night. We've got some spuds in a bucket now to try that out too.
spuds flowering, blueberries blueberrying, basil basilling, tomatos setting, strawberries setting, onions onioning, lettuce growing faster than we can eat it, flowers flowering.... :D howzit in the square foot thing Squishie?


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Here's a couple of pics of my garden. 8)


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Looking good Squisher, we are harvesting great things here at home. many strawberries set, potatoes flowering, blueberries set on the bushes, cant keep up with the lettuce. I am happy that I decided to pot up all the plants and go for it. Saving money, eating clean, fresh food and its easy peasy. :)
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Yah we've been harvesting alot of lettuce so far. Quite a few strawbs are coming along for first year plants and even some of the maters already have some good sized green tomaters on them. I'm eagerly awaiting the sugar peas though. :)