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Yeah, those cats at Teupen are out there. They had a bogus article in TCI a while back about how tree climbing is illegal in Germany and all work is done with lifts. Then the author went blabbering on about the autobahn and his experience in this foriegn country. He sounded like it was the 1st time he left his state.

Which is uh...err......wrong. Tree climbing is very legal there.
Yeah, those cats at Teupen are out there. They had a bogus article in TCI a while back about how tree climbing is illegal in Germany and all work is done with lifts. Then the author went blabbering on about the autobahn and his experience in this foriegn country. He sounded like it was the 1st time he left his state.

Which is uh...err......wrong. Tree climbing is very legal there.

I was wondering about that?
Teupen's salesmen suck at life, I rarely read their advertising.

Their sales pitch was near insulting when I have talked to them in person.
Its just a tool, another tool for us to use. whether I hire a climber or buy a lift they all have there ups and downs. All equipment has a learning curve. It should be used properly.
Screw up climbing and it can kill ya, same goes for equipment screw up and it can kill you also.
There are many lifts out there that are not dielectric, do not use these around power. Having a dielectric boom does not mean you won't get hurt.
Get a limb across the phases and you'll see what I mean.
The Spider Lift will allow ME.... And my family business to expand and stay
a family business. It will allow more productivity for us without hiring another
worker with all the insurance/work comp and ex-uses why they can't work.
We chose to mechanize to get more work done instead of more workers.
Can you design a piece of equipment and idiot proof it for every person out there NO. Just train to use the equipment and use it like it was designed to be used.
How often do you use the 15gt? Does it sit idle more then you use it? Has it been worth the purchase? Are you more profitable as a result of having it?

I would say it sits more than I use it, but when I do use it, it is very productive. I bought this lift mainly for palms, which I hate to climb. 50' WH will not reach the top of 40% of the palms I do, but it will get me 3/4 of the way there, making for a short 10-20 ft. climb instead of 60-70 ft.

Regarding just climbing the back yard trees, I have done a few jobs with the lift which was strictly cutting back trees encroaching my customer's property from neighboring lots. It would be very extremely difficult, if not impossible to do these kinds of jobs by climbing. The branches we were cutting were 1 to 3 inches in diameter....not enough to support a climber's weight. I was also able to safely remove a dead eucalyptus that was over a house that no one wanted to climb. I squeezed the lift through a 32 inch gate and was able to remove the 70 ft. tall tree with no damage. I used pole tools to set the lowering line high and cut the branches with a pole saw till it was at bucket level.

Bottom line is I am glad I bought it and even though I use it an average of only 5 days a month, there is no replacement when I do need it.

Regarding the question of set up area, the 15 GT only needs 7.9 ft. width for the outriggers.
A three in dia limb is plenty strong to climb on. 1in? that might be pushing it-Polesaw.
A three in dia limb is plenty strong to climb on. 1in? that might be pushing it-Polesaw.

Not if there in nothing above it to tie in to and the branch's point of origin is 10 ft. from where you are cutting. Keep in mind this is encroachment trimming. Going over the property line is trespassing unless the owner gives you permission. Some of these owners are difficult for my customer to contact or don't want someone climbing their trees.
Do go on....................:?

They went on and on how German engineering far exceeds my country's engineering.

I asked "What would happen if this fitting was knocked off?" Refering to a hose fitting on the cylinder of the outrigger. They said it was nearly impossible for it to be hit, I provided a resonable senario, they scoffed and said I was crazy. (The answer was if the fitting was knocked off the outrigger would go limp pressing down, but would still be able to pick up.) Then they mentioned how someone in the mother land dropped a chunk on the outrigger, bent the cylinder, but drove the outrigger into the ground with no (visible) damage. They again went on saying how superior their engineering was to mine.

They don't seem to talk to you one on one, when I talked (the first year) I was talking to 2-3 salesmen. I would ask a question, one would start to answer it, the other(s) would chime in bouncing back and forth agreeing with one another. Makes it hard to keep a fluid dialog going to say the least.

This year they remembered me. I leaned against an outrigger while I was talking to them and got a lovely red stripe across my ass. The paint came off! (Nothing too dramatic, except I had a red stripe on my ass in a gay park, thank God it was over run with tree folks.)
A little clarification regarding this "Superior " design thing.I will grant you a majority of German made products are very well made,I can't deny that.Most of the damned stuff uses parts that are OEM or not replaceable other than through the original manufacturer.I could compile a list that would likely overload the server on this subject.

The stuff made in North America is every bit as good,as a general rule.We have been led to believe otherwise through years of advertising propaganda.

I'll let you in on another little tid bit of info.US manufacturers often fudge about the domestic content of the components in for example an automobile.Some of it comes from places like Mexico,Korea,Japan etc.
Well guess what,Germany has lower priced places also such as Poland,Turkey,Romania that's the part the salesmen don't want to talk about.
The krauts are pretty much the kings of the world when it comes to engineering like that. They ARE the best! I'll take a Benz over ANY vehicle. Just like the japs are the masters of electronicia. I'm not real sure what americans are famous for... fast food, maybe?
An ex-machinist from pre-glasnost Poland may be able to work miracles from scrap iron, but getting him to do it on schedule and exact is a whole 'nuther story.
We're famous for exported t.v. shows.

While drink once, and a couple other things added, Gilligan's Island dubbed with Mandarin Chinese was one of the funniest things I ever saw.
Well you can't compair a Mercedes with a Ford or Chevy,that's for sure.I'll bet you can compair this Spider lift with a Genie or JLG though.

In world of high speed production machinery,the stuff made in Germany,such as Telanhaus,Heller,Tyson group is no better than Cincinati milicron,or Landis,it's just a lot cheaper.

Oh,did ya know,Mercedes-Bentz is the oldest manufacturer of automobiles in the world.It wasn't uncle Henry Ford,he was about 4th or 5th.;)
About the only thing the spider has over America is the narrow widths it sucks up.

America is very good at whooping ass, then spending years and billions to rebuild.
That Henry Ford thing.

In grade school I was told he "invented" the automobile.

Been filtering the bullshit ever since.
Found that out in junior high.

Also a few other things they were "wrong" about.
Well guess what,Germany has lower priced places also such as Poland,Turkey,Romania that's the part the salesmen don't want to talk about.

Are you talking about my TDI VW Jetta. Engine made in Poland, car assembled in the Puebla, Mexico plant.


Germany never really prides themself so much on the fact that they are turning the screws, etc. They instead pride themselves on the fact that they have the intellectual knowledge and property to export and that they do so well with so few natural resources.

Like it or lump it, without the Germans, man would never have walked on the moon and there would be no such thing as nuclear bombs.

America has never excelled at producing scientists and engineers near as much as it has excelled at getting the best from the world to come here. That is a horrible thing about the new "Homeland", it makes it very difficult for those with knowledge to come here and share. It is where in the end, we will loose and technological advantage we had.

As far as the Polish -

Heute gestolen, morgen im Polen.

Vacation in Poland, your car is already there... :new-alien:
Oh,I'm not bad mouthing Germany in any means,I just think the whole thing got blown out of proportion.My father is half English,half German,so I don't know what that makes me.Heintz 57 ,perhaps.

Old Henry Ford stole or "borrowed " the assembley line idea from the Chicago meat packers.
Here is a couple of pictures of the better half up 76ft, had the boys take
a picture as it will probably be the last time she is up there. She was ok
until I started bringing the top boom down. :D
The bucket automatically levels. So as I was bringing the top boom down the bucket would tip slightly and then level out. She thought I was messing with her. She (Cari) is not crazy about heights anyway.