Pounds of weight per foot of lift:
Manly Lifter= 56' working height 4500lbs= 80.3 lbs per vertical foot
Koa's 15GT= 50' working height 4000lbs= 81.4 ""
Dave's 23GT 75' working height 6800lbs= 90.6 ""
The manly lift reaches the highest with the lowest pound per foot measurement, but cannot move itself.
Pounds of weight per foot of outreach:
Manly lifter 29.16' 4500lbs= 154.3lbs per foot of outreach
Dave's 23GT 35.3' 6800lbs= 192.6 ""
Koa's 15GT 20.4 4000lbs= 196 ""
Since I am bored, I took a look a the surface area covered by the outriggers, and divided by the machines outreach.
15GT 91.6sq ft 20' 5" outreach= 4.44sq ft per foot of outreach
23GT 182.2sq ft 35'4" outreach= 5.14 ""
Manly Lift 203sq ft 29'2" outreach= 6.12* ""
* The manly lifter has a capacity of 500lbs, the spiders have a capacity of 440, unadjusted 6.96sq ft per foot of outreach.
Koa's 15gt reaches the farthest with the smallest area of the outriggers.
Using approx costs of the machines per foot of lift:
Manly lift $30k 56'= $535.71 per vertical foot
Koa's 15GT $50k 50'= $1000 ""
Dave's 23GT $112 75'= $1493.33
Granted, the Manly lifter can't move itself, a big difference, it is an option, $6k I believe, but it doesn't have near the tractive abilities the spiders have.
Comparing the 13GT to the 23GT, to increase the height by 50% you increase the cost per foot by nearly 50%.
Entirely trivial information, just comparing specs is all.
My original point was for Jim, my unit reaches the farthest by weight, has a higher basket capacity, and the risk of flipping it by jumping up and down is moot. Like Dave said, its all a mind game. When I first flew the Manly lifter, I had never flow anything for tree work, I had only climbed. I was terrified, holding on with white knuckles and horrified when I had to stretch all the way vertically to make a cut. After I realized I wasn't going anywhere things became much more productive, and I gained respect for the engineering that went into all lifts. Dave's MAT-3 has a lot of flex, but I still felt safe in it (awesome truck Dave!).
Its wet out and I don't have anything to do till 11!