Psyched to get back off the deck today and into one of the ash in the yard that will have to be removed. We've decided to treat five of the ten, but the arborist said that the remaining five should go to deny aid to the enemy (habitat to EAB). He wasn't looking to line his pockets either, as he doesn't do removals, just treatments.
After all the super helpful advice
HERE, I decided to try a little natural crotch rigging of light limbs with my hank of Pro-Master and a big aluminum screw-lock belaying crab from my rock climbing days. (It has now been relegated to the rigging bag and will NOT be used for life support.) I had a groundie eager to help out, so we went for it.
Got up to working height, bucked in, a piece hooked up, ready to rock. You can get a glimpse of my new boots, which because of Peter's reaction
HERE I am calling my "tissue paper Karrimors."
So far so good; they shattered the 10-minute durability barrier!
Despite breaking out the little yellow Motorola radios, it was easier to holler down to my help...
Who was ready to go! (Minus the eye pro; we won't forget next time!)
I was ready to help him in the tree, but both of us were amazed at how much friction was available to hold the pieces. They lowered easily, with only a few minor hang ups in neighboring branches.
Mom was fixing dinner, so today's photos were taken by my groundsman's 11-year-old twin.
I think he did a pretty good job...artistic, even!
It was another great day of firsts, thanks in large part to the collective TH wisdom and willingness to coach!
Thanks a ton. You guys and gals are rockstars!