Brian, talking about old technology that is not available currently in the US market yet is available in the modern world is not a waste of time.
It makes people aware that the problem isn't that gas costs almost $4 a gallon but rather that it doesn't cost closer to $6 a gallon.
We watch TV and see this tripe about Americans hurting because of higher fuel prices, blah, blah blah when it simply isn't true. We are hurting because we drive shitty technology and have for years and now we are paying for it.
You can do something about it. Write you local maggot politicians, get people talking.
If you think simply buying a chevy over a ford is some kind of answer, keep going with those thoughts like America has been and I am sure it will keep us exactly where we are...... attempting to keep up with more progressive countries while our currency takes it in the pooper.
BTW - the poll options suck. They make the wild ass assumption that bigger vehicles are safer vehicles.
Personally, I will keep driving my TDI diesel and listening to others whinge while I spend a whopping $50-$60 a month for fuel costs.