Selling Port Orford Cedar Logs


Sep 1, 2010
Olympia, WA
Any ideas on how to sell POC logs, and pricing. Phytophthera lateralis killed. Taking down today and having hauled home.

Evidently, super decay resistant. Boater's like it. I'm going to check with some local wood boat builders for interest. Had one inquiry asking for price per thousand board feet. I have no idea of the value. I have a bandsaw miller to cut it to size, hopefully so I can add value.
DO NOT take them to any mill in this state. You will get hosed on scale and price. Contact the Center for Wooden Boats. They will have someone interested, great for planking, stanchions, etc. Those sailboat queefs love Port Orford and the real good wood Yellow cedar.
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana? You would be amazed at how many of them I've seen just ground up for mulch / chips or cut into firewood over here. Nobody seems to value it at all for the fine timber it is. I have a coffee table made out of a slab of it.
It ain't all that fine when grown over here, Ed.
Grows too fast, get's too loose fibered and with too far between the growth rings.

PNW oldgrowth on the other hand is amazing stuff.
My parents had a set of garden furniture made out of it. Stood outside , summer & winter for 30+ years. When it finally started to get loose in the joints, I used it for turning wood.
As soon as I got 1 mm into it, it was as fresh as the day it was milled.

And the smell was wonderful.
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Thanks all.

Downed 'em today

Open grown. double leader from ground height.

Sitting in the log pile with some western redcedar. I'm thinking about getting The POC cut into 1" slabs, and the WRC into 2" for decking. There is a wooden boat builder about 2 miles from me, and I have been meaning to talk to them (Devlin Wooden Boats, or sumthing). I'll check into the Center for Wooden Boats. Thanks Dave.
Makes a good wood for cabinetry and instrument making as well, some furniture makers, etc, might be interested. Any woodworking associations in your area might run an announcement in their news letter.
You are most likley to get your most money using Daves suggestion. It gets used in strip canoes a lot also. Very desirable among the wood boat crowd!
Since we're on the topic of wooden boats, I just watched this the other evening on Hulu. Its called Charlotte and its a movie about a wooden boat that took three years to build. The movie is a little slow but interesting none the less. Hope y'all enjoy!
That was a good movie. There's a harbor in Ft. Bragg and one wooden boat builder left and one steel boat builder there. Over the last 30 some years I've to couple dozen boat launching. Always fun.