Ropeman Mark 1 questions

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Aug 26, 2010
Portland, OR
WesSpur just sent an ad showing a new version of the Mark 1 with redesigned side plates. It's red, altho if you click on the pic it says Mark 2. In looking around, I see lots of versions in many colors. What's the diff? I'm assuming they are not for climbing on, so what do you like to use them for? It looks like some might be a bit more "rope-friendly" than others. Can they all be installed midline?

This one looks pretty nice, but from the pic it looks like it wouldn't open up.
I have the mark I & II. The mark I is a do not use rope cutter in my opinion. Mark II a massive improvement & this new model looks better again. It does look like it is possible to attach midline, as the previous ones are
I have the Rope man 2 for use with my ultra light srt setup (works well on the Mammut 8.8mm static line). Oak used one when he and I were climbing doug firs and coast reds. Each day we played a game: how do you reduce your gear to a bare minimum yet still have the ability to descend quickly and/or rescue each other. We minimalized our frog walker hybrid setups but I stayed with a Petzl Basic as my top ascender while he used the Rope man 2. It is much kinder to the rope than the first generation.
I have been losing sleep over this one! That Rope Man 3 does NOT look like it will open up.

I watched this review and they make no mention of it opening or NOT opening...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

But I went to their website and finally found a pic that allowed me to rest easy. It in fact DOES open up...


That's just the thumbnail. The actual photo is HUGE so I didn't want to embed it here. But you can click here to see it in full res...

Here's the direct link to the full review from Outdoor Gear Lab

Sleep easy and climb on!

So I've got the old one and have had it for about 2 yrs. It was given to me. What applications have you guys been using this for. I have a few other kinds of ascenders and use them often. Just can't seem to put this one into operation.
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I finally saw one. Other than being cute and small, I couldn't see a advantage. Would like to have seen one in action in that video review. Just talking about it didn't do much. Personally, I think there would be a more controlled release with a prussic. Is it really the same, like that guy in the video suggests?