The resident asshole
Clam truck!
Good story, CV.
I gotta ask, being booked 4 months out, how do you do it?? People here are never happy about waiting 4 wks + here, but 4 months? Yikes. Then when you get there, it is often: oh somebody was working next door and they did it..oh my BIL did half of it...oh we built a swing set under the tree to be removed...oh we had an emergency so we are putting it off till next year...oh we had the yard fenced in since you were here...oh we cut the tree down and "stacked" the brush for you, to save money...
I make my living working with other tree guys so my answer may be a bit biased. I think it is better to build working relationships with other tree guys rather than build up a "Us against Them" attitude. We all have strengths and weaknesses, and we all could use a hand once in a while. Why wouldn't you have a little give-and-take with a few select trustworthy competitors? Us little guys gotta look out for each other because sometimes you just can't do it all yourself.
CV, those are wise words, I'm going to try to adopt a lot of that.
So I have a question then. Say you are telling somebody it'll be 3 months. Then you give them an exact date? Say they are one of the ones who doesn't get moved up, how can you be there on that day, what with all the variables of weather, breakdowns, jobs that take longer than expected (hopefully cuz they added so much work onto the bill). Or maybe you want to move them up by 2 months cuz you are doing another job just up the street, so to save travel etc. I'm just saying that if you give them an exact day, doesn't that mean alot of extra phone calls when the exact day doesn't work out?
This is why I always tell myself, if they don't like the price, I probably don't want the work or client anyway.